C H A P T E R 5

977 38 0

Avyanna P.O.V

Everyone's eyes are, fixed on me. I looked around and saw a seat in between blabbermouth and Damien. I made my way to the seat.

A domestic help pulled out the chair for me before I could. I then glanced around to see at least eight domestic helpers standing along the wall on either side of the dining room with hands in front of them and eyes down.

They may be here to assist. I quickly sat down while mumbling a thank you as I see her name, Sophie. Damien is to my left as blabbermouth to my right.

Once settled, I look up to see everyone's eyes still fixed on me. I raised an eyebrow at them and, blabbermouth, uttered in confusion, "Your hair is blue?"

"Thanks for stating the obvious," I mumbled dejectedly.

Richard suddenly stood up, capturing the attention of everyone. He looked at me and stated

"You look beautiful, Avyanna. And, I would like to say some words as we are here.

It's been so long since we all have come together. For me as your father, it is the happiest feeling to see my children all gathered here."

And, who's fault was it to divide the family in the first place?

I thought with a huff. I looked back in front of me to see different sizes of Forks and spoons laid out. I grabbed a fork and a spoon and started to jingle them together. I tried to put the spoon in between the gap of the fork.

"Avyanna." A voice whispered to my right. I was so focused that I didn't pay regard to the whisper.

"Avyanna." This time the voice was a bit louder than the whisper.

In the next moment, I felt someone elbowing me in the ribs from my left. I quickly looked at Damien and exclaimed, "Hey, dude!"

He looked away from me and towards Richard. I scoffed before, looking in front of me, too, only to find everyone's eyes on me. Again.

"What?" I asked looking, at them as I picked up my glass of water.

"Daddy was talking about something." I heard Charlotte speaking as I choked. I put the glass down as I covered my mouth with the palm of my hand. What is the Mayo? Daddy? I am not judging her for that; I was just caught off guard.

Yeah sure, Ala mimicked.
Okay, I was. So what? It really caught me off guard.

I felt someone rubbing my back as I got my breathing back. I looked at Charlotte, whose looking at me with everyone.

"Who is speaking?" I asked Charlotte as she looked confused.

"Daddy?" She said as she pointed at Richard. I chuckled as I looked at Richard.

"What is it?" I asked him who looked at me with troubled eyes, "You want me to hear your not-so-important-to-me lecture?" I continued as I see, Domenico and Giovanni clench their fists. They have always been like that, never can listen to someone say something about their father.

Oh, the innocence. Ala mimicked a little girl's voice.

"Okay, enough with this. Let them eat something." Rebecca (mother) stood up and put her hand on Richard's bicep, probably to convey to him something.

He nodded and looked at me with a smile.

What a dual-faced man, Ala stated as I nodded.

My eyes followed Rebecca as she walked around the dining table and to me as she spoke.

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