C H A P T E R 4

911 39 0

Avyanna P.O.V

"Avyanna?" She mumbled as she continued to stare at me.

Everyone is looking at us. I stand there without moving or saying anything, yet my eyes focused on her.

"Can you bake cookies for me, too?" "Will you also come to my show?" "Will you dress me up for the show, too?" "Can you sing a lullaby for me, too?"

All of the things dropped on me. In all of the situations where I needed her, she wasn't there. All of the feelings came crashing down on me.

I watch as she slowly comes toward me. From my peripheral view, I see Richard (father) walking to her and meeting her halfway.

He drapes his hand on her shoulder as they both look at me and, he said, "Yes Honey, she is here. Our Avyanna is here."

Our Avyanna. It echoed in my mind as I continued to look at them. Liars.

They both came toward me, but Richard stopped a few steps before she walked up to me. My feet stay frozen till she stands in front of me.

Just as she took a step toward me with her hands lifted for a hug, my senses came back, and I took a long step back.

Her hands stop in the air as she looks at me with pain and worry. I can feel everyone judging gaze on me, but at this moment, I don't care.

I cleared my throat as I looked at Charlotte who was looking at us in confusion and, said, " Can you take me to a guest room? I'm drenched."

All the previous signs of playfulness are gone from my tone as I speak in a cold tone.

She looked at me in surprise before she nodded. She glanced at the lady before taking steps toward the stairs.

I turned around and saw Domenico and Emiliano looking at me in confusion and worry. But, I pay no heed to them as I take my bag from Emiliano and follow Charlotte without looking at anyone.

I see Charlotte avoided stepping on the shards of the broken vase. However, I stopped when I reached there. I notice they are some orange flowers.

"Mumma loves orange flowers. I'm going to gift it to her."

Just after that, I saw the flowers in a bin and her hugging a book with a content smile.

I lifted my foot and stepped on the flower, crushing it. My ball of the foot smashes it entirely. I lift my foot to see the once-blooming flower, crushed. I bend down to hoist the remaining flower and break its stem with a tiny smirk.

My whole expression is only visible to Charlotte who is standing near the stairs looking at me with a gaping mouth. I put the destroyed flower on top of the drawers before making my way to Charlotte.

I stood in front of Charlotte as she continues to stare at me.

"We have to go up, I believe," I said, snapping her out of her dazed state.

She nodded and started walking as I followed her. I looked around as we walk through the hallway. Soon enough, I notice the rooms are labelled.

A black coloured frame with Domenico written in grey is fixed beside a door.

Following his room is another room with a frame of Emiliano written on a purple backslash with pink. Probably asked Charlotte to design it.

So wrong move of him. Ala said and, I mentally nodded.

After Emiliano's room is the room, of Giovanni, whose nameplate is baby pink with his name in gold.

From which means does it fit Giovanni? Neither it's too medically nor Anything. Ala expressed.

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