Chapter nine

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"what do you mean we're out of groceries??" sawamura exclaimed through his phone, he was walking through the streets, snow slowly fell from the sky and the sun was beginning to set

"like i said, it seems we got raided by jun-san again"

the brunette sighed "fine, i'll make a quick stop at the grocery store, i think it's still open" he said "do you need anything?"

"just the usual stuff, if possible we're gonna need some more meat"

"alright then, i'll be home a little late" sawamura smiled

"yeah that's fine, i'll be waiting, do you want me to prepare something warm for you?"

"that would be nice, thanks!"

"alright, i'll see you soon then, don't forget to look both sides of the street before you cross"

"i'm not a child kazuya!"

sawamura made his way to a thankfully open grocery store, there's still a surprising amount of people here actually.

he grabbed a small basket and started going through the aisles, picking out products and items as he went through, he's careful not to overfill his basket since it would be a pain to walk home like this

of course there's always a better mode of transport but after sitting on his desk for hours he really needs a walk or some sort of exercise for his feet

after checking everything he went to the counters to pay for his stuff, noticing the amount of items he got sawamura began to have second thoughts

three paper bags sat at the packing area, maybe he should call a cab after all, carrying all those is a pain in the ass

just as he was about to lift up the bags he was interrupted

"i knew it" an all so familiar voice said behind sawamura "you overdid it again"

the brunette smiled, turning his head to find none other than miyuki kazuya who stood there fresh from the outside winds, obvious by the small traces of snow on his hair and shoulders

"they were on sale" sawamura said

"yeah yeah, now let me help you with that" miyuki said, grabbing two of the bags and the two made their way outside, side by side.

sawamura huffed "you didn't tell me you were coming, i thought you were sick"

"well i have recovered now, no thanks to you almost burning down the kitchen, our friends had to take turns checking up on me because they were scared that you might end up destroying the entire building trying to help" miyuki said

a small cold breeze brushed their faces as the doors opened, it was already night time, the stars were out

"it's dark, why aren't the streets lights on?" sawamura said

miyuki hummed "it should light up any moment now, what are you doing?"

looking down he found sawamura locking his arms with his, pulling himself closer as he rested his head on miyuki's shoulder

"dunno just felt like it" he said "it feels right"

then as if on cue the lights turned on with a flash, the pair looked up at the decorations that littered their surroundings, the snow that fell slowly added to the beautiful scenery

sawamura looked at miyuki who was still distracted by the lights, never had he thought he would end up here

"my name is sawamura eijun! should i get you new clothes?? or money! i'll write you a check-"

"my name is miyuki kazuya, since you seem so persistent i guess i'll take your offer" he said "how about you get me some coffee on saturday"

"you're early"

"so are you"

"so i take that as a yes?"

"of course!"

looking back on everything that has happened between them sawamura couldn't help but chuckle gaining him the confused look from miyuki

"what's so funny?" he asked

"nothing, just remembered something" he said

miyuki smirked "oh? do tell" he said

sawamura huffed "it's a secret"

come to think of it, it's almost been four years since that fateful day in the streets, and yet the memory is still fresh in his mind

"by the way what do you want for dinner eijun?" kazuya asked

"you can decide" sawamura said happily

the other male smiled, he's more lively than usual today

once they arrived back home they took off their scarfs and placed the bags on the kitchen counter, sawamura flopping on the sofa afterwards with a huge sigh

miyuki smirked as he joined in, positioning himself on top of sawamura with a grin on his face

"you're heavy" sawamura laughed trying to push miyuki off him but ends in vain

"i need to refill my eijun battery" miyuki said "i wasn't able to get near you for almost a week because of my fever"

"that was your fault, i told you not to forget your warm clothes when going out" sawamura said "i was seriously concerned when the school's principal called from your cellphone and told me you collapsed while supervising the team's drills"

miyuki rolled his eyes "i didn't collapse, i was resting"

"on the snowy grass?"

"well it's not like it matters now, just let me have you just for tonight" miyuki said

sawamura sighed "idiot you always have me" he said

he smirked as he grabbed miyuki's hand, fingers intertwining with each other as the two smiled, holding it up between them

"these rings are proof of that" sawamura smiled

miyuki smirked, he pulled sawamura's hand and placed a small peck on the back

"well aren't you such a sap" miyuki snickered

"you're such a good mood breaker kazuya" sawamura said "you should get a job at it"

"hey now"


hello guys! sorry again for the late post! i wanted to release this chapter yesterday but got held because we had to go for a quick trip, but anyways thank you for reading propinquity! i know the last few chapters were rushed and i'm really sorry for that! anyways this is one off of the list! next fic will be out in a week or so! be ready for that! i really wanted to take this fic a little more futher but it seems i overestimated myself

thank you for reading propinquity!! thank you for all the love and support! i love each one of you and i really hope you will continue to support me!! see ya guys soon!

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