Stand In The Rain

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Disagreements among the Warblers aren't necessarily uncommon, but actual fights are pretty much unheard of. Or at least they were, before Kurt Hummel. Exhausted and annoyed, starting the week with a Bad Day and ending it with a concert from hell, all Aurora can say is thank god fall break is almost here.


Disclaimer: I still don't own Glee or any character other than Aurora, but the Dalton & Warbler dynamics and worldbuilding are entirely my own

WARNINGS: So Aurora is struggling with her mental health in the opening scene but it's nothing graphic, and we still hate Kurt but that's not overly present this chapter — I can't think of any major warnings for this chapter but if there's anything you think I should mention, let me know!

Somewhere Only We Know

Stand In The Rain

Stand In The Rain

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       Aurora wished that she could have been more surprised when she woke up to find Nick still in her bed, curled up around her like she was a teddy bear, but unfortunately it was an all too familiar position. It wasn't that she didn't like to cuddle with Nick — in fact, there were very few things that she loved more — but she knew that it meant she'd had yet another nightmare that she could barely remember.

       She still hoped, every morning, that that would be the day she made it through the night alone, but it had been almost a year and she still hadn't spent a full night alone, or made it through a night without at least one nightmare ruining her sleep.

       PTSD: the gift that keeps giving. She let out a small sigh, rolling over so that she could see the room.

       She blinked against the early morning darkness, squinting at the clock above the door. Only four o'clock. She sighed again and curled back up against Nick, closing her eyes and starting to count down from 1000.

       When she woke up again, it was to a foggy, lead-filled head and an empty bed. Everything was too much, too loud and too still and too heavy and too quiet. She didn't want to get up, didn't want to move or face the day, so she grabbed her spare pillow and wrapped herself around it, staring blankly at Blaine's already-made bed.

       Did she really have to get up?

       Well, maybe. She knew that she should, but she just couldn't be bothered. Instead she reached out for her iPod, curling herself tightly around her pillow as she began a half-hearted round of Solitaire. And then another, and then another after that.

       She didn't know how long she had stayed like that, didn't even know when she had woken up the second time, but when her door cracked open it was nearing one o'clock.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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