Be Brave, Little One

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With Aurora having drawn everyone's attention to the New Directions' spy, damage control was of the utmost priority. But what should have been an easy conversation soon turns to a meeting from hell, and Aurora's day goes from bad to worse. Thankfully, her dormmates know exactly how to fix a bad day, and things start to take a turn for the better.

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, or any character other than Aurora. I only own my own worldbuilding for Dalton and the Warblers, Aurora herself, and my plot

Warnings: This chapter includes a nightmare with mentions of blood and violence! I don't think it's overly graphic, but if you want to avoid it then feel free to stop reading once Aurora has gone to bed, and I will include a brief summary of the ending (without the violence) in the end notes

Somewhere Only We Know

Be Brave, Little One

Be Brave, Little One

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"It's very civilized for you to invite me for coffee before you beat me up for spying," the boy – Kurt, Aurora reminded herself – said, taking a seat across from them.

They were in the school's coffee lounge, Aurora's second favourite place in the main building – losing out to the Warblers' room, of course. With its dark wood floors and walls, and the matching tables and chairs, only broken up by soft cream cushions and curtains, Aurora had always found the room to feel impossibly warm, regardless of the actual weather. As she settled into her own seat between Wes and Blaine, she felt it wrap around her like a safety blanket and could almost pretend that it was just another day.

"We aren't going to beat you up," Wes told him, and David nodded firmly from Blaine's other side.

"Don't worry," Aurora heard herself chime in. "They vetoed my hitman too."

She didn't have to look to feel Blaine's sharp look, as tangible as Wes' hand squeezing her knee – careful, it told her, this isn't the time. But David laughed, loud and infectious, and soon Blaine, Wes, and even a slightly hesitant Kurt had joined him.

Despite the laughter, Wes' hand didn't leave her knee. She kept her head held high, forcing herself to smile, even as she wilted internally. Of course it wasn't the time. She didn't even know what she was thinking. God, she wished Nick were there. Her best friend may have been a force of chaos, but he had always steadied her when she felt that itchy burn of disconnect under her skin, detaching her from the world and leaving her desperately trying to ground herself, irritable and empty and self destructive.

But Nick wasn't there. It would be too many people, Wes had reminded them when Nick tried to join them. It should have just been the Council. But Thad had lacrosse practice and couldn't make it, and it had been Aurora who had put him on the spot in front of the entire school, and since he seemed to like Blaine, the soloist's presence would hopefully make it feel less confrontational. Aurora had understood it at the time, she would have made the exact same choice, but sitting there in the cafe, all she could think about was how badly she needed to see Nick.

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