Like Silent Raindrops Fell

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Aurora had always known that Andersons go to Dalton, she just didn't think that she would be included in that legacy. But after the incident at the Sadie Hawkins dance left she and her half-brother in the hospital, their father told them that Aurora would be the first female student in Dalton history, regardless of what she wanted. Of course the Dalton Brotherhood had always been her family, and being with her closest friends was exactly what she needed, but when a spy shows up in their midst, she knows that her home is going to be changed forever.

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, or any character other than Aurora. I only own my own worldbuilding for Dalton and the Warblers, Aurora herself, and my plot

Warnings: This chapter does not touch on it but this story does include past sexual assault and hate crimes, as well as underage drinking, parental abuse, and biphobia. This story is also not going to be friendly towards Kurt, Rachel, or Finn

Somewhere Only We Know

Like Silent Raindrops Fell

Like Silent Raindrops Fell

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Aurora straightened her jacket, glancing towards the doorway to the Commons. Blaine still wasn't there. It was three-thirty, and Blaine wasn't there. It wasn't like Blaine to be late, especially for a concert, and she had to wring her hands together to hide their shaking. She wasn't worried, she really wasn't — except that she really was. Not only was it completely out of character for Blaine – and her mind was already racing with all of the different things that could have delayed him – but she couldn't help but also worry about the performance. Their first song was a duet, and her partner was nowhere to be found. Their second song was a duet too, technically, but she couldn't worry about that yet.

She jumped when she felt a warm hand on her shoulder, twisting around to see Nick standing behind her.

"You okay, Rory?" he asked quietly, carefully unclenching her hands to hold them in his own.

"Blaine's not here," she told him, wincing when her voice cracked.

"I know," he told her, "David was going to try calling him."

He looked over to the windows on the far wall, where the senior stood with his fellow council members. Wes caught his eye and shook his head subtly, before tilting his head and his gaze shifted to Aurora — Blaine won't be here, is she okay? Nick waited until the older boy was looking at him again, and offered a slight tilt of his own head — she will be.

Had Aurora followed his gaze, she would have known exactly what was being said – or unsaid, as the case may be – but she had shut her eyes in a desperate attempt to push back against the impending anxiety attack that threatened to swallow her.

"Stop being psychic and tell me what's going on," she insisted.

"David got a hold of Blaine but he won't be here for the first song – not sure about the second yet. Wes wants to know if you're okay to keep going."

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