Tanjiro POV:Since Sabito and Makamo aren't here I might as well just cut the rock already and I don't think keeping a low profile is necessary I just have to save everyone... I sighed "Lets just get this over with" I said to myself I got into stance and cut the rock in half with no hesitation and no problem "Well I am about one year early but that's okay I can polish everything and practice my blood demon arts" I say to myself I decided I should tell Urokodaki I cut the rock
After telling Urokodaki
Urokodakis POV:
'Tanjiro already cut the rock!?' I thought to myself "Let me go see" I say, once we got there I saw a perfectly cut in half rock, "So will I go to final selection?" Tanjiro ask while I stare in shock "H-huh? Oh yes y-you will be" I say still shocked
I'm lazy so let's skip to when Tanjiro goes to final selection (EEEEK IM ACTUALLY REALLY EXCITED TO WRITE THIS PART-)
I got to the final selection 'why is Zenitsu,Genya,Kanao and Inosuke not here? Oh wait, I'm a year early to final selection-'
Then the two girls started talking "(inserts whatever they need to say) good luck" then everyone started going in for the first few minutes I don't smell any demons yet, so I started to walk around and that's when a demon smell cam by I turn around to see two demons running up to me then both of them jump one on the left one on the right I slid back for them to hit each other "HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" One demon screamed "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU BUMPED INTO ME!?" I didn't want to deal with this so I just decided to decapitate them *shwing* 'two kills one shot' I thought to myself and walked off then I heard a scream 'the same scream from that boy that I saved from hand demon' I ran over there to see and indeed it was the hand demon. I jumped out ran over to the boy picked him up and placed him near a tree then went back to fight the hand demon when the hand demon saw me he gave a suprised expression I was confused for one second until it hit me 'Oh right! The hand demon remembers' I say to myself while mentally slapping myself for forgetting such important information "So...you remember don't you" say "yes I do" the hand demon says with a happy but sad scent "Before when I mentioned the two kids you seemed angry and since you are the one who brought me peace the least I can do for you is to keep someone important to you alive" the hand demon says, I gave a him a sweet smile "so let's get this over with" The hand demon says "you mean you want me to kill you?" I ask surprised "yeah you are the one who gave me comfort and peace after I died and I wanna go back to my brother and family" he responds with "fair enough" I say. I'm planning on making it a painless death I breathed in then "water breathing fifth form: blessed rain after the drought" I whispered to myself then cut the hand demons head off "Thank you..." The demon said I saw a hand reaching out and put my hand onto it and prayed "please don't let this poor soul be a demon in its next life" I sayAt the end of final selection
I had a stick with me just in case I started to feel weak but I didn't so I just ran back to Urokodaki when I got there I saw Nezuko waiting for me "Nezuko!" I called out she turned around and faced me she gave me wide eyes, ran up to me and hugged me Urokodaki came out to see what was happening then when he saw me tears started pouring down his face "Tanjiro...." he said then ran up to us and joined the hug

Back in time | KNY fanfic
ActionBasically What happens is that Tanjiro becomes a demon and kills everyone then he is sad and wishes he could restart and the gods said "Yes your wish may come true only cause ur a pure that got turned into a demon" and yeah read the story to find ou...