chapter 28:'its damn obvious she likes you'

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Katie's perspective

Who the heck is that girl, i need to find out who she is.

'BTW where is Lexie' i said

'yah im here' she said

'ohhh sorry i completely forgot that even you were here' i said

'yah bish get some specs for yourself' she said

'im sorry okay and i dont need any specs' i said

'ok ok chill i was just joking' she said

'you better be' i said

'guys ill get going now and im sorry for disturbing you all' Jenna said

'you never disturbed us' i said

'still need to go i have some work you guys have fun' Jenna said

'ok then bye' i said

we bid our goodbye and then she left.

i was feeling little awkward to face Leo now, 

'Katie where should we go next its 2:30 now' Leo said

'ummm w-we shoul-d go a-and ha-ve lu-n-ch now' i said 

'why are shuttering is something wrong' he said

'no im completely fine why do you keep asking me if im fine or not' i said

to be continued--

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