You fell in love him when you were 13 after Harry rejected you. But then you meet William. Who's first name is Christopher. He becomes now becomes your best friend. He was Cedric Diggory's Brother. But then after Harry realized you met someone else...
You and William had sent letters to each other...for about 10 days. One of them, were like this "Y/N. They sent me to an all boys wizarding school...I hate it. I honestly rather spend time with you, then go this thing they still call a wizarding school.... I just really hope they kick me out. Because I'm not here to just spend a year of my life in this ridiculous place." A day later. You were in the great hall, sitting at the table. During study hall. When you felt someone tap your shoulder behind you. You turned around expecting it to be someone else. But you saw William standing there. You immediately stood up, and hugged him.
(An example of how you hugged)
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———————————————————— "Y/N!!!" He said. "You're here?!!" You said. You both stop hugging, but still holding each other. "It really is you?!!" You said. "Yes, of course it's me. Are you blind, may I ask?" He said. When you two stopped hugging, he asked you something. "Want to leave the great hall? Y/N?" He asked. "Yes?" You said. He smiled, and you left your stuff on the table. He grabbed your hand and began holding it. You walked out of there. "How was that boy wizarding school?" You asked. "Horrible..absolutely horrible." He said. "Why'd your mother sent you there?" You asked. "Perhaps because she wants to punish me." He said. "The way same she did when I found out she wanted to send me to that school after Cedric died.." he added. "Oh..William." You said. "I know you don't want me to talk about it. But it just hurts...when I saw Potter bring him. Dead." He said. He looked at you. "You know how it felt. You were there." He said. You nodded. ———————————————————— 24 June, 1995 You were all waiting for one of the champions to at least come back. Cedric and Harry still hadn't come back yet. Everyone was happy. Waiting for them. Cedric and William's father, Amos Diggory. William, chose to stand there next to you though. He didn't expect to see his brother dead though, or else he'd go stand next to his father. Harry, brought Cedric. Everyone thought Cedric was alive. Until they saw him clearly. And he was dead. William's instant reaction, was to grab your hand. And cry. "CEDRIC!" He yelled, he saw his father ran to Cedric's dead body. "My brother!" He yelled. He couldn't go and see his brother. Since he was on one of the seats high above. "Cedric!!" He yelled, in pain. William just yelled in pain. At the view of his dead brother. He again, hugged you like he always would. But this time it was way tighter, and you could feel his tears drop on your clothes. "Y/N!!! He's dead!!!" He screamed. He was screaming loud, in pain. His tears were coming out of his eyes, very quickly. You also wanted to cry because Cedric died, and because of the way William was screaming in pain. You've never seen him like this. You felt numb, and helpless. Cedric was dead. No one could bring him back. You eventually did cry along with William. He also wouldn't let go of you. He would actually hug you tighter. Cho was also seen crying. ———————————————————— (As you can tell you and William hug a lot) The next day, after Cedric's death. William, he was allowed to get visits. He was also allowed to stay in his dorm. He was grieving. You decided to visit it him. And when you did the door was open, you saw him laying on his bed. His eyes seemed tired. His hair was all messed up. He wasn't smiling or giving you his smile he would give you. Once he saw you. He was upset basically. "Y/N. stay?" He asked you. You nodded. "You've also been crying?" He said. "Yeah.." you said. You sat down next to him, who was laying down. "I don't want to believe he's dead. He's not dead." He said. You didn't know what to say. It was your first time seeing someone dead. William wanted to hold your hand, so he did. While he cried. It took him few months to accept Cedric's loss. Which was sad. ———————————————————— You and Cedric weren't that close, but you two were friends. Cedric would tell you a lot about William. And how he thinks about you. Or how William talks about you. ———————————————————— "Y/N. How about. I tell you. Now that we're alone. How William talks about you." He said. "William? No...why would he?" You said. "Please, he likes you. I'm sure you two will make a cute couple when you're older. Although you're just 14." He said. "..I don't think so. He's always giving me that silly smile. He's annoying actually." You said. "You're in denial. You know you like him. He has caught you looking at him." Cedric said. "Weren't you going to tell me, how he talks about me? Not how I look at him?" You said. "Right, sorry." He said. "William— he says he rather spends time with you rather then me! And I'm his own brother! That says something..." he added. "Really?? Didn't know that moron would say that." You said. "You two insult each other a lot don't you?" Said Cedric smiling. You nodded. "Yeah you're definitely the one for William. Although he's shy now...I think you two will be together soon." He said. "No. I don't think so. I've heard him...say how he likes this person." You said. "Well sorry to break it to you, y/n. But that person he likes. Is you. Is it not obvious? You both like each other." He said. "No we don't." You said. "I just have a feeling that you two'll be together when you're older. And I would like to see how'd it look like." Cedric said. The sad thing is, Cedric never got to see you and William being together. "You know...William told me he once pretended to not like you when he was 13. Is that true?" Asked Cedric. You nodded. "He said he didn't like me...he pretended to not like me for a week!" You said. Cedric smiled again. (The next chapter will be about, that memory. Of 13 year old William pretending to not like you.)