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Instead of taking you to the Great hall. He went on the lookout for a hidden closet. And once he found it he opened the door and pulled you inside. He locked the door. "What are you doing?" You said. "You won't tell anyone that we're going to kiss in the closet right?" He said. "If it's about that. Then yes...I won't tell anyone." You said. "Cross your heart." He said. You crossed your heart. He smiled again. And kissed you. Aggressively though. For the first time. He kissed your neck. And then looked back at you. He kissed you again, you kissed back of course. You felt really warm. But then you two to had a break. His hair was messier then usual. You both felt warm..and fuzzy. "You never imagine doing this inside a closet did you?" He asked. "Never." You said. He smiled. "I really love, you
Y/N. Ever since I was 13." He said. "So did I." You said. He smiled and looked down. "It feels nice." He said...and kissed you one last time gently though, and left the closet.

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