I want it all back, the times we had

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When it was time to sleep. You changed..of course. And so did he. In separate rooms. "Y/N." William said. "If you don't feel comfortable I can sleep on the floor..." he said. "It's fine." You said. He smiled. "Oh. You don't feel uncomfortable around me do you?" He said. "I don't." You said and laid down. You covered your self with the blankets. "I'll turn off the light." He said. He turned of the lights...he laid down. You two turned away from each other. Few minutes later. William thought you were asleep. He turned lay down facing you. You now weren't turned to a side. You laid down there facing the ceiling, but your head was turning the opposite side of William. You were facing the other way. Your hand was placed next next to you of course. Now William, thinking you're asleep, like I said. He put his hand on top of yours. And held it. This gave you butterflies inside your stomach. You now knew that he liked you...but you also liked him. You didn't want to embarrass him so you just pretended to be asleep....
The next morning, your hands were touching each other. The hand placement had moved. You opened your eyes....first. And acknowledged the thing about your hands. You waited till he woke up. And when he did, he immediately moved his hand. "I'm sorry." You said. "No it's alright." You said. He then changed into his black clothing. "Y/N...I have to do something...I have to go somewhere. Promise me you won't move from here. Alright?" He said. "Yeah what's wrong?" You said. "I'll explain later!" He said and ran out of there.
He ended up having to go to a special event looking like this...

————————————————————He ended up having to go to a special event looking like this

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He came back. Changed into his normal clothes.
"Y/N. I'm sorry for leaving you here alone. I'm so sorry.." he said. "No, I understand..." you said. "I'm so sorry." He said and basically threw himself onto you and hugged you very tightly. Which you didn't expect to happen. "I'm sorry." He said. "It's fine I didn't mind! At all!" You said. "No. I'm sorry for leaving you alone. I know what it feels like to be lonely." He said. You stopped hugging him back and looked at him confused. "Christopher. What do you mean?" You said. "..what?" He said, surprised you called him by his actual name. "Christopher, what do you mean by lonely??" You asked. "Fine!! I'm always lonely!! I don't have any other friends! Besides you!!! The only other friend I have is my little sister. And one boy who's also in hufflepuff. And Cedric.." he said. (Cedric was still alive during this time) "I've gone through things!" He said in a serious tone. "Things that you don't know about!" He said almost crying. "And I'm going to tell you! It has to do with Cedric!!" He said. He wasn't crying about him being lonely.
13 year old William.

"What am I even supposed to write with this ridiculous thing?" He asked angrily, looking at the quill

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"What am I even supposed to write with this ridiculous thing?" He asked angrily, looking at the quill. "You're supposed to right that you promise that you won't tell anybody about what you know about the future son!" His mother said. "You know I don't want him to die! Soon!" He said, and looked up at his mom. "Mum! I can't!" He said. "Yes you can, and you must." She said. "Hate you.." he said in a lower tone. "Mum...why can't I tell my father, about my brother going to die soon! He must know!" He said. "Son. He can't know. You're just 13. You think that's a good thing. It really isn't. It'll cause more harm to you father. And that isn't even your actual brother." She said. "You know what! I don't even want to live in this place anymore!!" He said and threw his quill. "Son-"
"I don't care!" He said. And ran away to his room.
*a day later*

"You people make me sick

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"You people make me sick. Honestly." He said. "Son. Do not speak like that, or you won't be allowed to go to Hogwarts for your 3rd year." His mom said. "Why haven't you changed clothes?!" She added. "I'm not happy." He said. "I don't have any- I don't have any friends?!!" He added. "Then make friends" his step father said walking in. "It's not easy, Father..." William said. He was forced to call his step-father. "Father."
"It must be...you must make new friends with people who you find special. Not any other ridiculous person." He said. William rolled his eyes. "I don't care if I make friends with a ridiculous person or not." He said. "You're grounded. You won't be allowed to go outside now." His step-father said. "What?!! Why?!" William said. "How am I supposed to make friends if I'm not allowed to go outside?"  He added. "Go to your room." His stepfather said. William did as he was told.
When he got to his room...he laid down having nothing to do sad. Except he was forced to not tell anyone that his brother, Cedric Diggory was going to die soon. He knew that. He didn't know how though. But now he was also forced to be alone his room. Alone. His sister spent most of her time playing with her dolls in a room far away. It was boring. But. Once he got to Hogwarts, he was walking by alone..he walked past this room. Which coincidently was the one you were sitting in. He  saw you. He felt bad that you were alone. So he walked in, and stood infront of you. When you two began talking, he thought you were cute. Hence, why he would smile when he was talking to you..
You know the rest. But, William wouldn't tell you about him "thinking you were cute" part. He would previously flirt with other people, but he would never become friends with them like he did with you.
"See!" He said, after telling you the story. "I'm always lonely!!!!! Here! In this stupid place. And my brothers going to die this year!" He added, now actually, crying. You didn't know what to do, so you just hugged him again. He accepted it. An hour later, he stopped crying. Now he was just silent. "Sorry." You said. He didn't respond, he was big looking at the floor. Staring at it. "You can leave if you want too." He said. "No? I don't want to leave you alone especially after that?" You said. He looked at you and smiled. "I appreciate that." He said. You got closer to him and put your arm around him. "We'll always be friends.." you said. He kept looking at you, you also looked at him. "Oh...no are we going to do what I think we're going to do?" You said. He looked at your lips. Yeah. It was going to happen. You kissed. You both kissed slowly. Gently. Your lips were touching. You slowly stopped. That was your first time kissing each other. "Now what are we going to do now?..." he said. "We kissed..." he added. "That means we like each other, William." You said. "Yes, I know...but you're my only friend." He said. "Doesn't mean I won't stop being friends with you?" You said. "right." He said.

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