Washing Machine Heart

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It's the next day. You and William were in the great hall. You were sitting in the Gryffindor table. He was sending notes to you. He didn't serve himself food. He didn't care. All he wanted to do was talk to you. He was sitting at the Hufflepuff table.
He had sent notes to you previously like:
"Hi." "Do you ever stop looking at me like that?" "Honestly, will you stop sending me notes?" "Stop looking at me."
When he was about to send you another note, till he turned to look to his right. And saw someone. He stood up, and walked over to them. He left his note on the table. When you looked to see who it was. It was the exact same friend you've previously had seen at Hogsmeade.
Williams POV:
"What the hell are you doing here?" William said. "Hello Christopher." said Frank. "Hello? But what are you doing here I thought you were in a different wizarding school—"
"I was. But I moved because I wanted to see my good old best friend!" Said Frank and hugged him.
"I was confused. Why had he moved schools to just see me? He could have moved back 2 years ago? But now that I'm dating y/n. He casually moves back? What is this idiot thinking?" William thought.
When it was time for your free period. Frank would walk between you and William, WHILE you and William were holding hands. Which you thought was weird. But as an excuse Frank would say that he just missed his good old friend?
*few days AFTER that*  You and William, did talk to each other about how Frank was acting strange.
When you were leaving class you got stopped by Frank. His actual name was Franklin. You found out  when Frank received a Howler. By his own Mother.
"Hey!" Frank said. "Hi?" You said. "Christopher, told me to tell you, to meet him today in the courtyard at 6:00 PM. To, have a talk with you. I'll also be there." Frank said. "Why didn't William tell me this?" You said. "Christopher didn't tell you...because he was too shy." Frank said. This didn't make sense considering the fact that William wasn't really shy anymore like he was when he was 14. But you still listened. "Alright. Tell him I'll seen him there."  You said and nodded. "Great." Frank said.
Frank...also told William this.
"Christopher!" Frank said, also meeting him outside of class. "Hi." Said William. "Y/N, told me to tell you to meet (her/him/them) at the courtyard. At 6:01 PM. Y/N, doesn't want you to be late too! And I'll also be there." Frank said. "Huh? Why couldn't y/n tell me (herself/himself/themself)?" William asked. "Because...y/n, was just too busy. Alright? Goodbye. See you there today." Frank said and left.
It was 6:00 PM. You went to meet "William there." But the only person who was there, was Frank.
"Were supposed to be in the great hall having dinner. So where's William? Frank?" You asked. And at that moment, William came. Frank looked at him, and hesitated to do something. But he went for it. Franklin. Kissed you. Infront of William.

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