The Trailer

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Before you guys go reading this story, this is a Karma X OC story. So yeah the below is the plot thingy. Since not all of it was included in the summary, I wrote it here. 


"I.... never thought it'll end this way..."

"Everything was fine until my dad went away.... That's when HE came into picture, that's when it happened, that's when I lost everything dear to me. That's why I am here."

" I don't need you! Or anyone else's help! I can do it all by myself! I'll avenge them!" That doesn't mean I don't want you, or I don't want someone to help me, be by my side... I can do it all by myself but I don't want to...

" I only need myself, I can do this! I just have to believe in me!"

"It's all your fault! THEY DIED PROTECTING YOU! YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!" Sometimes words hurt us more than the sharpest knife in this world. Words as powerless they seem, are the most dangerous weapon anyone can possibly have. Sometimes it's hard to admit the fact that you're a coward, it's hard to realize that you could have done something about it. And when you do realize, it's too late.

"Hey, no need to worry. I am by your side."

"Who the hell you think you are!?! Trying to act all Hero mister!"

"The name's Karma. Karma Akabane."

" Why did they do this to me! Why only me!?! I never did anything wrong! I tried being the girl they want me to be! Then why.. WHY!"

"Who are you?"

" The name's Saffy, Saffy Saffron! But for scumbags like you, I am called Black Rose. Or Mystery Girl works too."

"Thanks for saving me."

"Nah don't sweat it! Just make sure not to wander off alone next time!"

"I..... I actually...killed him"

"Assassin huh? That's what you use to cover your sin!?! WHY HELLO MISTER ASSASSIN is just another word for MURDERER!



With a half known past, Saffy starts her journey to find the truth about her parent's death. Being manipulated and feeling betrayed at the process. When the ice heart started to melt, the ice shattered into pieces, killing some tender areas of memories with sharp edges known as words. 

 Prefers to be Alone whenever she can, but her personality contradicts her intention. A cheerful chirpy, talkative and crazy girl's life was totally changed since the incident, since he came into the picture. Now she is all broken in the interior, trying to set back all the pieces together. With the help of her best friend who let her true self stay alive, even though it was barely alive, and with the help of a certain someone, would they find the answer to her most desired question and find the murderer, save the world?

Unknown to them, a past mistake will bring nothing but ruin to their friendship.

"It was never meant to be..."

"I am sorry...."

"It's all my fault that you're hurt"

"What has been done, has been done."

"I am sorry... I really am! But you're too late Karma. Goodbye *pulls the trigger*

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