Ch 5 Scars on Your Scars

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~ time skip~
*Point of view of different person starts at that time*
*~ Scene change~*

TW: Mention of Rape, cursing words, blood, murder, bullying, self harm etc. Read at your own risk.
Could someone help me with the title of this chapter? Scars,Blood and Murder? Scars, Blood and Rape? Or something else you all would suggest?
Also ch 6- Female Power And Black Rose
Ch -7 Her Fault..?

"So what do you have in mind? Hm?" asked Saffy.

"For starters, we have to go back in." Karma said grabbing Saffy's hand.

"Woah woah there easy-" she snatched her hand back " I have a curfew, I can't be late." She said grimly. Karma rolled his eyes.

"Sure, whatever. Won't take long. Or are you afraid of them?" Saffy's eyes widen as Karma mentally grinned.

"I understand. Girls are ,of course, afraid-" Saffy's fist clenched as she glared " Don't want a murderer stalker at your back. Throw as many excuses you can. After all, that's what girls do the best." he said nonchalantly.

" I am not afraid of that!" Saffy fired back. Afterall, I have a murderer to track and a mind reader stalker at the back. She thought rolling her eyes.

"Yeah right. Then what are you afraid of? Afraid of getting yelled at? Or you're too much of Goodie two shoes."

"Seriously Karma, I am not a fool to not be aware of what you're trying to do. What are YOU afraid of? The murderer might kill you if you go alone? Haha. The guy who asked for a human target is afraid to go after one alone. Such a pity." Both Saffy and Karma glared at each other. They tried to conceal their anger from each other, not wanting to give in. Neither of them noticed the Cop nearby.

"Finally." The Cop sighed in relief as he, again handcuffed the two. Both Teens looked at the Cop in disbelief.

"You don't give up do you?" Karma asked amused. Saffy stared at the cop.

"You don't have proof that it was us, sir." Saffy pointed out.

"Sure I have." He said as he took out his mobile and played a video. The video clearly showed Karma fighting the Bull. And Saffy, with black cloth covering her face.

"You have no proof that girl was me!" she exclaimed.

"You're wearing the same clothes, got scratches on the same place as the girl and have the same voice."


"No buts. Give your excuses in the court." The cop said sternly.

"Karma." Saffy said looking at him.

"Might well as listen and obey the elder hm? Pretty sure your curfew isn't going to save you. Your Parents might bail us out." He said looking at her with a smirk. Saffy groaned defeated. "FINNEEE, Have it your way." She said. The cop looked at them both. "What are you talkin-" he wasn't able to finish his sentence as smoke blurred his vision. "WHAT!? AGAIN!!!" He screamed in frustration.

The teens took this shot to make a run for it. Upon entering the hotel, they looked behind to see sign of any tail. But they were fortunate.

Unfortunately, their hastiness caught unwanted attention. Karma and Saffy looked around them and sweatdropped. People were giving them all sorts of looks- ranging from lovely dovey, surprise, shock to haunted, fear and anxiety.

"Don't mind us, We're just back from the play!" Karma said with usual laidback attitude. Some went back into reading magazines, with no care in this world. While some people didn't look away.

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