Fate Is A Funny Thing

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The first time you saw them you were naive, ignorant, and sceptical.

"That's an insane amount of power feedback." You gasped squinting at the screen in front of you, processing the information being displayed. You typed furiously away on the keyboard and monitored all of the different screens in front of you, trying to get to the bottom of whatever the hell could possess so much energy.

You scribbled away on the notepad in your hand, running quick calculations and theories when you were so rudely interrupted.

"Miss (L/n). Discover anything useful with the resources we have provided you, or are you solely here to waste everyone's time."

Your head slowly looked away from your work, a forced tight smile on your lips, as you addressed your superior.

"Agent Sitwell," you pushed out between clenched teeth. "Always a pleasure."

"Likewise, Miss (L/N)." He said adjusting his glasses, the insincerity practically dripping off his tongue.

"Doctor." you corrected.

"Ressident." He challenged.

"I have an MD." You clipped, growing frustrated with the blatant lack of respect.

"Then please tell me why you are here and not a hospital."

You were about to defend yourself, when the sound of the automatic doors whooshing open, filled the air and steady footsteps made their way over to you.

Your boss spoke firmly looking between you and Agent Sitwell.

"Is there a problem here, agents?" He asked but it seemed he was directing most of his attention towards Sitwell.

The man in front of you tensed a bit under the harsh glare, and it wasn't above you to admit it brought you a sense of satisfaction seeing him squirm

"Err of course not, sir" he replied a bit awkwardly

"Well I sure hope so." Your boss, Agent Phill  Coulson turned his gaze towards you, his eyes softening visibly "Agent (L/n) showed much promise at the academy."

Your heart swelled at his kind words and you smiled brightly up at the man who you had come to see as a mentor.

"With all due respect, sir. Doctor (L/n)  has no field experience. Her resume consists of her spending her days safely in a lab researching, or behind a desk in a classroom." Sitwell cut in, finally voicing his true thoughts. "I just don't know if this is the safest location for such a green agent."

"This isn't a hostile environment." Coulson replied smoothly.

"But it can become one at any second." Sitwell argued, brows scrunching behind square lenses. "She's not clear for combat."

"You barely are either but you don't see any of us complaining." A new voice cut into the conversation.

The three of you turned your attention towards the source of the new voice. You smiled brightly, while Sitwell scowled, and Coulson just smirked.

"Agent Barton." Coulson greeted, amusement laced in his voice.

Clint nodded towards the other man in acknowledgement whilst he walked over towards the three of you. You gave an eager wave excited to see him. He rubbed your head affectionately, messing up your hair and you playfulled jabbed him with your elbow to get him to stop.

Clint finally turned his attention towards Agent Jasper Sitwell, the man who was convinced you did not belong here.

"Get off the kid's case"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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