Still day 4:0

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Okay, I know that it's still the same day, buttt I JUST FOUND THE BEST MER-SHIFTING GUIDE!

I literally just found out that I don't want to be an open ocean tropical mix... instead I'll be a hot tub/tropical mer! Your probably wondering

"what's a hot tub mer ?"

Well, its actually a mermaid who wont burn when swimming in clorine! Pretty cool right? wich means...

Well, its actually a mermaid who wont burn when swimming in clorine! Pretty cool right? wich means

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I might be able to use this tail! eeeek soo prettyyyyy

Oh! And below  I just drew a tail model. Not only is it a tail model it also has my details as a mermaid.  I will be adding more details soon!

  I will be adding more details soon!

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      hehe luv that name

*my mermaid shifting journalWhere stories live. Discover now