Offically offical?

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It had been a month since both Rose and Chris admitted their feelings to their best friends, and they had yet to talk about it. Both scared to death of rejection from the other.

After adding Rose to the Marvel group chat, and learning what Rose had his name as, Chris was more confident in asking the girl to be officially his girlfriend.

"Rosie, can we talk?" Chris asked, not realizing that those three words freaked the blonde girl, currently in his arms as they watched a movie at his house.

"Talk?" Rose managed to get out, her tone obviously showing her fear in what Chris could possibly have to say.

"Oh, baby, no nothing bad, I swear." Chris said, his arms tightening around her. "It's just we've been practically dating for almost six months, and I just figured it was about time I asked you to be my girlfriend, officially."

Rose was speechless. She looked at the man she had fallen hard for with shock written all over her face. She was not expecting this to happen during their "stay in date". Her silence freaked Chris out a little, his thoughts automatically going to thinking he messed up and she didn't want to be his girlfriend.

"If you don't want to that's ok. I just thought that since it's been almost six months that it was a good time to ask-" Chris was cut off by a pair lips connecting with his.

"You ramble when you're nervous," Rose said, quietly when she pulled away. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend. It's about time you asked me," she added the last part in a joking tone.

"Oh thank god. I thought I had messed up," Chris said, with a nervous chuckle. He noticed the look on Roses face, and immediately knew what it meant. "You want to tell the girls don't you?" He asked, with a chuckle. This cause Rose to blush as she nodded. Chris kissed her forehead lightly. "Go call them, I'll pause the movie."

Rose couldn't feel luckier. Most guys would think it's weird that the girl he just asked to be his girlfriend instantly wanted to tell her friends, but Chris found it very adorable. With a quick peck, Rose went to the other room to call her best friend and twin sister.

(Call between trio of the century
Bold- Rose
italics- Josalynn
Underlined- harmony


What's up?

Chris just asked me to be his girlfriend

Are you serious?

About time

I was shocked for a second and I didn't say anything and he got all nervous and rambly and it was so cute and ugh he's just so cute and I can't take it.

Awhhhhhh did you shut him up with a kiss?

As if their first kiss would be because he's rambling

You can't seriously think that that would be their first kiss right?

Knowing Rose, I definitely can

Wow your faith in me, fantastic. But for your information our first kiss was on our first day six months ago. As well as the second and the third and the fourth-

Ok ok we get it you kissed a lot I didn't need to know that

You're just jealous you don't have anybody

Speaking of, Jossie, when we're you going to tell me that Tom Holland actually gave you his phone number?

Wait how did you find out?

He let it slip

When we're you talking to Tom?

When my adoptive father forced my boyfriend to add me to the marvel group chat

Hold up, adoptive father? DID YOU GEG ADOPTED BY RDJ?? You lucky bitch

I did, and as much as i love talking to you two, I only called to tell you the news but now I have a boyfriend and movie waiting for me. Byeee love youuu two.

Bye see you at home

At the home that isn't actually yours Jos. Bye Rosie, if you feel like it bring home starbucks when you come home

Get you're own starbucks ya weirdo


Rose hung up the phone from her group call before quickly making her way back to the movie room with Chris.

"Hoe much did they freak out?" Chris asked, knowing that her best friend and twin were  just as much of fangirls as she was.

"Actually not at all. They both said it was about time, and Harmony thought our first kiss was me stopping you from rambling" Rose laughed, snuggling into Chris' side as he played the movie.

The pair stayed in that position, only changing when Rose looked up at Chris and kissed him randomly. It was getting close to midnight when they realized Rose would have to go home soon.

"What if you just spent the night? I don't want you driving alone at this time," Chris suggested when the topic of her having to leave came up.

"Are you sure we're ready for our first sleepover?" Rose asked, jokingly referring to it as a sleepover. Chris thought about it for a second before nodding. "Ok, I'll have to text Harms and let her know."

To Harms:
Staying the night, I'll be home sometime tomorrow. Don't wait up

"Ok she's been texted," Rose said, cuddling back into Chris' side happily. Chris smiled at his girlfriend before pulling her closer.

"I love you," Rose mumbled half a sleep. She didn't realize she had said it out loud. And Chris wasn't sure if he had heard her correctly, so he just silently said it back as the pair fell asleep on the couch.


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