The first birthday of many

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*Ariana's POV*

~4 months later~

"Lil diva! Do you know what day it is?!?!" I say with my hand behind my back. Audrey's standing in the crib clapping her hands. I pull a birthday tiara out from behind my back and her little face lights up. "Birfday!" She yells. Sean walks in behind me. "My birthday princess!" Sean says picking her up out of her crib. He sets her down on the ground. And she starts walking towards her bathroom. Sean shakes his head and says, "Damn, she's only one and she's already halfway grown!" I laugh and Drey pokes her head out of the bathroom and giggles. I walk into the bathroom behind her. "Alright lil diva, let's get you all cleaned up." She nods and raises her arms so I can take off her clothes and put her into the tub. She keeps splashing the water everywhere with these damn bath toys Sean bought her. "Baby girl, stop please!" I plead. "No!" She says splashing again. Sean is standing in the dorrway just lauging and having a good ol' time. "Don't encourage this Sean." I say looking as serious as I can. "Baby, she's just like you! Y'all got the same personality. Y'all both stubborn as hell!" He laughs which causes me to smile. Audrey laughs. "I think you're done kid." I say taking her out of the tub and drying her off. She has this thing now where she tries to shake the water off like a dog. Even AFTER I dry her off. She saw Tolouse doing it when I bathed him a couple of weeks ago and has done it ever since! "Look at this pretty dress!" I say holding up a little pink dress. She claps her hand with excitement when I come closer with it. "Dada?" She yells. "Daddy went to get things ready, he'll be back in a little bit though." She nods her head like she knows what the hell I'm saying. I giggle and she does the same. When I pick up the brush she kind of rips it  out of my hand. "Lil diva!" I say laughing as she brushes her hair by herself. "Me!" She says smiling. I laugh and hold my hand out for her to continue.

After about 15 minutes, my mom shows up to the house to help set things up. "Gamma!!!" Audrey yells trying to run over to her, but tripping in the process. I have to give her credit though because she kept trying, no matter how many times she fell down. After landing safely on my mom's leg, my mom picks her up and kisses her. "Mi bella Princesa !" She says hugging Audrey. "How old is my pretty pink princess today?" Audrey holds up her finger to say 1. I clap and she blushes. "Mom everything's being set up in the back. I just need you to over see everything while Audrey and I finish getting ready. Oh! And Liz will be here any minute with her twins." I say walking uo the stairs with Audrey in tow. My mom nods and heads into our backyard. "Okay lil diva, what should mommy wear?" I say holding up two dresses. One is pink and the other one is white. Drey takes her index finger out of her mouth amd points to the white dress. "That's my girl!"

After I finish getting ready, I hear the door bell ring. "That must be Auntie Liz and the twins!" I say excitedly to my little pixie angel. She claps her hands says, "yay!" I open the door and lo and behold Liz is standing there with Dylan and Spencer, her 4 year old faternal twins. Dylan's a boy and Spencer's my prize little angel girl. "Hi Auntie Ari!" They say in unison. I smile and wave at them. Liz makes a fake surprised face at Audrey and my little diva lights up! "Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday my perfect little princess! Happy birthday to you!" Liz sings. Drey claps and smiles at me. "Everything's being set up in the back, so you can drop my precious little munchkins off in the play room." Liz nods and sends her children off. "So short stuff, who's all coming to this little shindig?" "My mom, dud, and just a few 100 of my closest friends." Liz damn near spat out her water after hearing that. "Babygirl, she's not going to know what the hell is going on...and she won't remember this years from now. Don't you think you're kinda over doing it a little?" I shake my head no and put Audrey down in her high chair. "Ari, when Dylan and Spencer turned a year old I kept it simple. You remember that, right?" I nod yes. "Exactly." Just as she says this, the doorbell rings. I open up the door and it's none other than my main man Matt Bennett. "Matty!" Liz and I say practically jumping into his arms. "Calm down ladies!" He laughs. A few seconds later, in walks his gorgeous supermodel wife Annalisa and their son 3 year old Noah. "Hi!" I say cordially extending my hand to hers. She shakes it and Liz does the same. "Noah dude! What goes on!" Liz says picking him up. He's a pretty quiet kid, which is ironic because neither of his parents are. 'Nothing much gorgeous." He says high fiving her. I giggle and tell Matt and Annalisa that he can go to the playroom. As Noah runs off my mom walks in. "Ari, darling, the party is all set up and people are arriving so you better get out there." She says walking towards my fridge. I nod , grab Drey, and Matt and Liz follow me outside. 

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