5 Months: A heavy ass Halloween

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*Sean's POV*

So, last month that stupid ass kid Jai put me and Ari's business in the street, but surprisingly enough, I was cool with it. Since it's October, Ariana's goin overboard with Halloween. "Babe, where should I put these bats?" Ariana calls from the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen and put my arm around her waist. "On the counter by the toaster." I kiss her neck. "Mmm, I love you Sean." I kiss her cheek. "I know that you do babygirl, and I love you more." She giggles and walks toward the toaster. "4 more months babe, and she's out of me!" She pretends to wipe sweat off of her forehead. I laugh. "But it'll be worth it, right?" I ask. She nods her head and starts hanging up little paper bats.

About 3 hours later, Ari roped me into watching a bunch of horror movies. I'm not going to lie though, I'm kinda scared, but I keep my cool and hold her through the second movie. I jump a little when the killer stabs the woman. She laughs. "Is my big man scared of a little murder scene?" I scoff. "Hell nah! My finacé's just crazy as fuck!" We both start laughing. Suddenly, she jumps a little. "What's wrong? Can't take a little murder scene?" I say in the same mocking tone that she used. "No, I just felt her kick." I put my hand on her belly. "Say something Sean." She says smiling. "Uhm, hi my babygirl. Mommy just lost her nickname because you're probably WAAAY cuter than her ugly ass!" I laugh and she punches my arm hard as hell. "God damn baby! How the hell you gonna be pregnant, but violent as fuck!?!?" She laughs. My hand is still on her belly and I feel the baby kick.

*Ariana's POV*

I'm looking down at Sean as he plays with my stomach. He's smiling like an idiot right now. "Sean, babe, she's almost here." He kisses my stomach. "Just 4 more months until you and I have a little one runnin around the house raising hell. She'll be cute though. She'll have your gorgeous eyes." "And your amazing smile." I say back. "And your beautiful voice." "And your laugh." Oh God no! Not my ghetto ass laugh!" I laugh. "Well, I happen to love that ghetto ass laugh." He smiles and kisses my cheek. "And I love that ratchet ass chew of yours too." "Hey...!" I say pretending to be hurt. "I'm joking baby. It's just a little ratchet." I laugh and yawn. "Tired?" He asks. "Yeah. Babies take a lot out of you, I swear." He nods and picks me up. "No babe, I'm too damn heavy. I'm like a fucking water buffalo right now." He puts me down and lets out a fake sigh. "Yeah, a very heavy, cute ass water buffalo." I put my hands on my hips. "If I wasn't tired and pregnant, I'd be beating your ass right now. But, you got lucky sir." Sean takes a mock bow and I make my way up the stairs and into the bedroom. I practically flop into bedand wrap the covers around myself.

About 30 mins later I hear a voice speaking. "Yeah, she doesn't know anything about us. We good. Just ket me know when you wanna meet up." It was Seans voice. I faintly heard a females voice coming from the other end. "Aight, cool. I can't wait." I hear them both say bye. Sean hung up the phine and sighed. I roll over and say, "Babe, who was that?" He jumps a little. "Uuuuh, it was no one, baby. You should get some rest." Normally, I'd argue with him just a little until he gave me an answer, but frankly, I'm just too tired for all that shit. "Happy Halloween baby, I love you." He says before spooning me. "Mmmhm." I say before becoming knocked out. Tomorrow, I getting to the bottom of this.





A/N: Sorry it took so long for me to update! School started for me this week so I've been hella busy!

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