What's your decision?

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*Ariana's POV*

I could barely sleep last night. I woke up ATLEAST 5 times. I'm nervous as hell for today. Sean stirs beside me and wakes up. "Mm, good morning baby. Nervous for today?" He asks. "No, not at all." I lie. He can tell that I'm lying. "Babygirl, I know when you're lying to me. You're nervous as fuck!" He laughs sleepily. I blush a little and he pulls me closer. "There's no need to be scared babygirl. Whatever happens, happens, and we'll just deal with it. Okay?" He says. I nod okay. "Sean, the appointment is in an hour, so we need to get dressed. He complies and gets out of bed. I do the same.

After we shower and get dressed, Toulouse (one of my dogs) runs up to me. "We'll be back!" I say to him. Sean kisses Toulouse and our house keeper goodbye and we get in the car. The ride is silent. The only noises in the car are the radio and Sean coughing every so often. When we arrive at the doctors office, Sean turns and looks at me. He grabs my hand and smiles. "Baby, this could change our loves forever. No need to be nervous though, whatever happens, happens." He says. That doesn't make me any less nervous though. Just as Sean and I step out of the car, so does my mom, Sascha, and Alexa. "Hey honey!" My mom waves from across the parking lot. I smile nervously as we walk into the hospital. We check in and the doctor calls us in the back.

"Hello Ariana. I see that you need an ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy." Dr. Horne says looking at his clipboard. "Yes sir." I say gripping Seans hand. Sean smiles, but I can tell that he's hella nervous too. The doctor puts this gooey stuff on my stomach and starts moving this sonograph thing around. "Ah yes, Ms. Grande, Mr. Anderson, you're expecting!" Sean and I  look at each other, then we look at my mother and my friends. We're all shocked. Then we hear this beating sound. It sounds like a heart. My mother tears up a little, and so does Sean. "Dude, that's a baby." Alexa says while staring at the screen. "I saw something move!" Sascha says pointing at tue screen. I look up at Sean who's smiling uncontrollably. Hearing that heartbeat was one of the most amazing songs that I've eber heard. And I can't believe that that little tiny thing will one day look like me or Sean. "So, Ms. Grande, it's still early enough in the pregnancy to terminate the baby. What's your decision?" The doctor asks. Without a doubt I was going to keep the baby. It didn't seem right for me not to have it. Sean kisses me. "Baby, I'm so fuckin excited!" He tells me. I'm equally as excited. Terrified. But still excited.

*At their home*

*Seans POV*

That doctors appointment had me so damn emotional, but it also made me realize how much I really want to be with Ariana forever. I knew it when I first saw her, when I first met her when she had that red hair and was rappin Gang Bang and shit. Ariana walked into the room while drying her hair off. "Remind me to have my hair washed professionally for now on." She says sitting on the bed. I pull her close. "Baby, I love you. So. Damn. Much." I whisper onto her lips before kissing them. She smiles at me. That smile is the most amazing smile in the world. "I love you too Sean." She says back to me. "Babe, you should get some rest. Kanye wants you at his studio tomorrow morning, and I don't want my baby tired as fuck in the morning." I laugh a little. I love it when she cares a lot. "Okay, but you have to sleep too. You got two people to care for now babygirl." I say gesturing to her stomach. She sighs andbgets into bed with me. "Goodnight babe." She says snuggling into me. "Goodnight beautiful." I say holding her close. The lights turn off and we drift into deep sleep.




A/N: Happy holidays everyone! Sorry for the long wait, I was pretty busy with family!

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