How they met

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Ed Sheeran ran down the hallway and slid into the cafeteria. Looking around, he saw Red. "Hello, Ed Sheeran," said Red. "Oh hi, Red. How are you?" asked Ed "Amazing, actually, wonderful! How about you?" "I'm great!" said Ed Sheeran. "Hello," said a deep voice, Black. "What do you want?" asked Red "Oh nothing, but Ed Sheeran." Ed Sheeran blushed. No one ever had a crush on him or at least admitted it. "Ed, run! He's an elmo boy, you don't want that." That was true, elmo boys are jerks, pure cringe. Ed Sheeran listened to Red's command. Ed rushed into electrical, did some tasks, and then saw Green. Green looked terrified, he didn't want to get killed. Green rushed out of the room.

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