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They got out of the vent to see Green. He looked shocked. They reported the body. "IT WAS GREEN!" yelled Ed "IT WAS!" yelled Red "HE ALMOST KILLED US!" "I knew it, right from the start." Said Orange "Bu-" "Shhh, Green we know it's you." Said Orange he was very mad. Blue began to cry. "Y-You betrayed me! You monster!" "I DID NOT I SWEAR THEY'RE LYING!" "Enough." Said Orange "But-" "I SAID ENOUGH." Everyone voted Green. He was crying. "I-I love you, Blue.." Said Green. "YOU DON'T, YOU BETRAYED ME! IF YOU DID, YOU WOULD'VE NOT KILLED!" those were the last words Green heard before his death. He was in space, by himself, or so he thought. "Hey..." Said a voice "WHAT?!" Yelled Green "Don't be mad, it's me, Obama." "O-Obama?!" "Yes, I came to rescue you." "Thank you, Obama!"

             ~Back at the ship~

"H-He didn't lie...." Said Blue "IT'S ED AND RED!" once those words came out of Blue's mouth they pushed both of them down. "...Guys?" It was Black "I-I can't believe it..." "What can't you believe, Black? Hm?" Asked Red "My Ed.....He killed someone..." "HE'S NOT YOUR ED HE'S MINE!" Ed Sheeran ran to medbay, he was scared. "Look what you did, Red. Obviously he doesn't like you." Black followed Ed Sheeran, Red chased him. "I don't want you guys to fight... Why can't we make peace? No more fighting?" "I- Y'know what... We will... We'll share you, right Red?" "...Fine" Red rolled his eyes. "I love you guys!" Said Ed Sheeran with a huge smile on his face.

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