Sussy Baka

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Ed Sheeran finished his tasks and wanted to leave. He walked to the door waiting for it to open. He waited for it to open for three whole minutes but realized he was locked in. He started banging on the door, until an idea came into his mind, ah yes, the vent! Ed Sheeran tried to open the vent, but he's not the sussy imposter. Ed Sheeran sits by the vent, thinking. A few minutes later, Ed feels a hard tug from his shirt and slips into the vent. Ed Sheeran closed his eyes, scared. Opening his eyes, Ed Sheeran sees Red. "RED?! YOU'RE THE IMPOSTER?!" screamed Ed. Red puts his finger on Ed Sheeran's lips "Shhhh, I'm not going to hurt you." Pinning Ed Sheeran to the wall, Ed blushed. "Baka!" said Ed "I'm not an idiot, everyone else, besides you and me, are." Red started kissing Ed Sheeran, making his face go red. "I think we should stop, people will get suspicious and kill one of us." said Ed Sheeran "You're right, we should stop." Red looks up, checking if anyone was there. "All clear." "Nice, let's get out of here." They both got out of the room and see Black. "What were you doing to Ed Sheeran? After all, he's mine." said Black "We were just doing our tasks but then we got locked in." "Ugh, I know what you two were doing, coconut bra." Black left.

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