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Red grabbed Ed's hand. They rushed to the cafeteria. "Shhh, no one needs to know." Whispered Red. "I called you all to say something....." Said Orange this made Ed scared. "What is it?" Asked Pink "I think I know who the imposter is......" Once those words got out of Orange's mouth Ed Sheeran went pale. "Green..." Ed let out a sigh of relief. "A-Are you sure, Orange?" asked Green. "Yes, yes I am." "I will skip this, we don't have any evidence." Said Red "I agree" said Ed Sheeran "Me too" said Pink "Fine..." Orange let out a huge sigh. "Let's go do "tasks", red!" Said Ed Sheeran. They ran out of the cafeteria and slid into security. Red locks the door while Ed looks at the cameras. Red goes up to Ed and kisses him making Ed's face as red as him. "W-Wait!" "Hm?-" "S-Someone's trying to get in..." Whispered Ed pointing at the door. "Shit, I'll let them in..." Whispered Red, he ran and unlocked the door, the door open with Pink at it. "H-Hi, Red!" Said Pink, she had a huge crush on him. "Hey, Pink" "W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-Who's this?" Said Pink pointing at Ed. "Uh- He's my bo- friend, yeah- friend." "Oh, ok!" Pink walked up to Ed and whispered "He's mine...Ok? You got it?" "Whatever you say." "What are you guys doing?" Asked Red. Ed Sheeran walked over to Red and told him what happened, he locked the door and got out a sharp knife. "Really, Pink? You think you could do that? I said I wasn't comfortable with that." Ed Sheeran got out a flame thrower. "I-I'm sorry, Red..Please don't-" Red stabbed Pink making blood gush out of her. Pink began to cry "Please no!" She yelled. "No one can hear, Pink." Ed Sheeran set her on fire and Red threw his knife at her leaving a deep, painful wound. "There..." Red kissed Ed making Pink watch, this was the last thing she saw. "I love you, Red!"

ed sheeran x imposterWhere stories live. Discover now