Rain and 'I love you's'

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It was a word you mentioned when you were younger.

At first Keisuke thought that he was too dumb to understand what it means but now...

He's starting to have a good grasp of it.


If being happy means crying later...

If holding your hand means letting it go later...

If spending a little time with you means losing you later...


Being happy is indeed scary.


If being happy simply means losing you...

He don't want it.

He want to spend more time with you.

He want, and he'll always want, to save you.

So why...

When everything is going right, why does this have to happen?


Your weight is heavy on his back. The thick blanket he draped over your shoulders is now drenched by rain. Your hair damp and water dropping from its tips. Your chest rise slowly as you struggle to breath—— heavy and shaky breathing.

He feel like the hand he's holding is slowly slipping away.

And he have no idea if he'll ever have the chance to hold it again.

He tried focusing on the road. Trying harder to see clearly despite the heavy rain. Bearing the weight on his back and the heaviness on his shoulder. He need to be strong for you though he's in his weakest state. "Hang in there, Y/n. We're near."

That was an obvious lie.

The hospital is still kilometers away.

Sane people will just give up and break down.

But maybe Keisuke Baji is insane.

He know that by giving up means he'll no longer hear the profanities, he'll no longer see how you make a standing ovation with your middle finger, the kick in the shins, your brutality.

You're a sadistic bitch that he can't simply give up.

So he'll trail this long ass road despite the heavy rain.

He'll hold that hand and never let it go even if it means he'll break his wrist or dislocate his arms.

"Keisuke...." It was once again your shaky voice. By now it's weaker than a whisper.

"Yes, Y/n. We're near just hang in—"

"Please listen to me first." You requested, trying hard to lift your heavy eyelids to see Keisuke's face. Sweat mixed with rain water pouring down his face, his wet hair sticking on his skin.

You closed your eyes and hold tighter, knowing that the possibility of reaching the hospital on time is low. You may eventually reach the hospital, but there's no assurance that you'll still be awake by then.

The hit you received this time was much more fatal. Multiple kick at the legs, heavy punches on the stomach, hearing your ankle break and a strong hit of a metal tube behind your back. You can't feel it but you're sure that some of your ribs are also broken. It's still a wonder how you're still conscious by now. Alive even.

You released a deep breath seeing Keisuke's condition. Tiredness evident on his face but there's no sign of giving up in his demeanor. And you know he won't. He's a stubborn bastard who doesn't easily give up even if it kills him.

Seeing the state that you forced him in, a bead of tear rolled down your cheek followed by another.


"I love you..." You said as loud as you can muster, your voice now louder than a whisper making sure that he hear you.


But it's as if your words fell on deaf ears.

Keisuke Baji didn't answered you and just continued on walking.

"I love you." You repeated again, this time louder. You want him to hear it for the first and maybe last time.

He still didn't answered.

"Keisuke, I said I love you. Can't you hear me—"

"Is that your poor excuse of goodbye?" He asked in a cold voice. Holding you tighter and enduring the cold rain.

You didn't answered.

Keisuke can only scoff and walk faster.

Still not giving you up.


"Say those three words in my face when you get better...," He told you without sparing you a glance, his attention still on the wet road—— dedicated on reaching the hospital. "And I'll make sure to say the same words too."

Just no way in hell he's giving you up.

Did it Hurt? (Keisuke Baji x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now