why do they twist and turn into heavy, leaden lies?

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why do they twist and turn into heavy, leaden lies?

why do they twist and turn into heavy, leaden lies?

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(Y/N) let out a heavy sigh as she placed down her letter inside a jar before closing the lid on it

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(Y/N) let out a heavy sigh as she placed down her letter inside a jar before closing the lid on it. She stood up from her seat and made her way into her restroom.

She placed her hands on the edges of the sink, gripping it tightly.

'Why am I not happy?'

'Why am I not satisfied with my love life?'

'Why am I not satisfied with myself overall?'

She's a complete dumbass for not confessing her feelings or try to make a move on Kyoko when they were still at Hope's Peak. If she did so, she probably wouldn't feel like absolute shit at herself right now. Even if she did, the problem was if Kyoko felt the same about her.

And now, Kyoko is in a relationship with Celestia, both of them probably living their best lives.

(Y/N) wanted to be happy for them. She really did! But she still felt like absolute shit and pathetic. Sighing, she turned on the faucet and splashed warm water on her face. She tried off her face and headed straight for her bed, hoping she good get some sleep.

'What the hell did I do to get these shitty circumstances...Probably living.'

She plopped herself onto her bed and did her best to fall asleep.

She plopped herself onto her bed and did her best to fall asleep

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Her sleep didn't last long. Not an hour later she woke from her stomach begging for food. Before she could make her way to the kitchen, she felt a suffocating feeling flood her body. A harsh cough escaped her lips and she rushed over to the restroom. 

She bent over the toil and gagged and gagged for whatever was in her throat to come out. After a few more minutes of forcing herself to gag the item out,  it finally came out.

When she saw what was inside the toilet her eyes widen in shock.

Inside the toilet were flower petals.

(Y/N) gasped as she fell backward in fear. All (Y/N) could do is stare at the toilet, trying to process what the hell happened to her. She used all her strength and rinsed her mouth, trying to get the bitter taste off her mouth. She already knew what this meant.

She had the Hanahaki Disease.

Once she finished, she grabbed a random piece of paper and pen and started writing.

Dear Kyoko,

I never knew loving someone could be this painful. Especially when you have a disease that makes you throw up flower petals. I wish I knew all of this before my feelings for you came over me.

I'm sorry for falling in love with you.

Sincerely, (Y/N)

Sincerely, (Y/N)

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