Chapter 2

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"Emilia! Gosh, I haven't seen you all summer!" Mary jumped up to give her a big hug as soon as she entered the carriage. Emilia hugged her back. Afterwards, embracing Lily and Marlene.

Emilia sat down with the girls and they all immediately launched into stories about their summer. Mary had travelled to France with her family, Marlene had played Quidditch all summer with her older brother, and Lily had stayed with her family. Mary and Marlene came from similarly upper class families like the Potters and Lily's family were working class muggles, it was an avoided topic that Lily's clothes were always second hand and that she could never travel over break. Mary had invited her to France with her family but Lily was proud and wouldn't take charity even if it wasn't meant that way.

After many hours had passed of conversations, snacks, and reading, there was a little while left until they would arrive at the castle. The girls donned their Gryffindor uniforms which consisted of, black tights, Mary Jane shoes, and robes trimmed with the Gryffindor crimson and gold, lined in crimson, a dark grey wool skirt, vest trimmed in Gryffindor colours, a white collared shirt, and a crimson and gold striped tie. Emilia had brushed out her curls earlier to look like Farah Fawcett and added brown eyeshadow, eyeliner, and peachy lipstick for makeup.

Lily pushed back her straight ginger hair as she said, "I have a good feeling about this year, I don't know, it just feels lucky." Lily was very pretty and Emilia could see why her brother was head over heels in love with her since their first sorting ceremony. She had bright inquisitive green eyes, freckles for days, and a straight nose. She had grown out of the skinny little girl she'd used to be, into a lovely slender young woman.

Mary rolled her eyes lovingly, "I think I could take a guess," she said pointing to the prefect badge attached to Lily's robes. Mary was the most popular girl in school, confident and beautiful she attracted every guy at Hogwarts. She had dark brown skin, curly dark hair she kept in a large afro, big brown eyes that always sparkled, and a petite curvy frame.

Lily blushed, "I'm not talking about that, or... not just that."

Marlene was staring out the window rather distracted.

"Whats up Marls?" Lily asked putting her hand on her knee.

Marlene jerked up a bit, "oh sorry, just tired."

Lily didn't look convinced at that answer but nodded.

Marlene was a bit hot and cold, either very reserved and quiet when she was upset or incredibly boisterous and content when things were good. Marlene had straight pale blonde hair with curtain bangs, chocolate brown eyes, a wiry tall frame, and a long nose. She had an athletic build due to being a beater on the Quidditch team.

"How's Sirius been?" Lily asked softly.

"Alright, I suppose." Emilia responded, "it's been loads of fun having him around, he's a great roommate. But he sometimes gets those sad puppy dog eyes and you can tell he's thinking about his family. James has really brightened up this summer, I think not be nervous about your best friend being across the country with such bad people really takes a weight of your shoulders."

"I imagine," Mary said. They'd been sweet on each other in 3rd year and she still had a fond place in her heart for Sirius Black.

Changing the subject, Emilia said, "Quidditch will be good this year I bet. Absolutely honestly, how are you with James as captain?" The question was directed at Marlene, her fellow teammate, and a chaser.

Marlene nodded vigorously. "I'm glad, Martin could be a jerk sometimes, I'm glad James will be our new captain. Though knowing him he'll buy us through the ringer when it comes to drills."

Emilia laughed, "at least you only have to train with him for 10 months. I always have the summer's 6am runs to look forward too."

Marlene chuckled, "the demise of Emilia Potter, jogging."

Emilia smiled, "hey I have asthma! You have no idea!"

A few hours past of meaningless conversations, snacking, and attempted napping.

"Look!" Emilia pointed as the castle finally came into view.

The train pulled into the Hogsmede station. Full of giggles and high spirits, the girls disembarked the train and gathered themselves in a carriage, pulled by nothing. By this time Marlene's spirits had lifted and they bumped along in the carriage up to the castle.

The Sorting Ceremony passed without issue. Everyone cheered on the new Gryffindors, James and Sirius, yelled out guesses before the Sorting Hat hit the head of the students, booing and cheering if they got it wrong or right.

After the wonderful feast everyone filed up to the common room to enjoy post-feast festivities.

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