Chapter 3

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Gryffindor parties went hard.

After changing into a pair of red bell bottoms, black boots, and a tight, white halter top, Emilia headed down to the common room from the dorm with the rest of her friends, dressing in pattern dresses, bright jumpsuits, and mini skirts.

The common room was set up into two rooms, the main room in which you enter through the Fat Lady's portrait, and the study lounge through an open arch to the left of the portrait entrance. In the large main room, there were assortments of couches, armchairs, bookcases, tables and chairs, and rugs covering the floor.

The entire room was mostly decked out in Gryffindor colours of crimson and gold, with splatters of other neutrals here and there. Along the walls, reaching up to the high ceilings hung the moving portraits of great Gryffindors. From the ceiling hung schoolhouse lights that illuminated the common room in a warm light that contrasted the late moonlight shining in from the tall windows on the right wall.

To the left of the portrait entrance stood the large fireplace. Ahead on the far wall were two staircases disappearing into the tower which led to the dormitories. The study lounge to the left contained more tables and couches. The room was protected under a soundproof spell, wherein someone could study all night in there and not be bothered at all by a roaring party occurring in the next room over.

Some of the prefects had blown up eternally floating balloons, put up streamers, and set up enchanted muggle speakers that were hooked up to Sirius' record player. The music that filled the common room was muggle rock & roll, Remus, Sirius, and Emilia's favourites.

Against the wall by the open windows, Sirius and Remus were leaning and smoking. James was next to them trying to talk to Lily Evans, Peter was by the punch bowl, and Mary and Marlene were dancing in a small crowd.

Emilia wandered up to Sirius and Remus, standing shoulder by shoulder. Sirius passed her the cigarette and said, "what's a girl like you doing in a place like this?"

Remus and Emilia chuckled.

"Looking for a boy like you," Emilia said with a wink.

Emilia and Sirius were both shameless flirts and constantly bantered with each other like a pair of silly teenagers, which they were.

Over the speakers, the opening sounds to David Bowie's "Rebel Rebel" played.

Sirius gasped, "I love this song!"

"Rebel Rebel" had become Sirius' unofficial anthem.

He grabbed Emilia's hand, "come, dance with me!"

Emilia passed the cigarette to Remus who was wearing a sly grin, as Sirius dragged her to the dancefloor.

Emilia and Sirius were some of the only members of their friends who truly loved to dance, both of them had been trained in ballet and their love of dance continued to the party dancefloor.

They began to groove and roll over each other, holding hands, and rocking their bodies. Sirius would take her hand and spin her around and around as Emilia threw her head back and laughed. His hands held onto her waist, pressed against each other they moved to David Bowie's electric voice. Emilia threw her hands up in the air as they spun around.

Lily leaned against the wall, Remus and James to her right. "They're cute aren't they?"

"Haha, ya," James said. He paused, then, "wait what?"

Lily looked at him, a little complexed, "you've never thought about it?"

James turned to her, "thought about what?"

Remus tried to suppress a smile.

"Well," Lily continued, "your best friend and your sister. I mean look at them."

They turned to the dancefloor, Sirius and Emilia dancing and smiling.

"She's strong enough to take his shit, and he brings her out of a shell. It's cute, they'd be great together."

James turned a bit white, "I-" he stammered, "I don't think they're together. That's ridiculous."

Lily's eyes went a bit wide, "sorry, didn't mean to shock you, just a passing thought."

Remus put his hand on James' shoulder, "don't worry mate, they're not together."

"And how would you know?"

Remus shrugged and turned his eyes back towards Sirius, "I just do," he said with a sigh.

The music came to end but Sirius and Emilia danced for a few more songs including some Bonny M, and ABBA.

The end of the night came around and Emilia found herself sprawled across a couch, her head in Lily's lap as she braided her hair.

James saddled over and sat in armchair to their left. "Did you enjoy the party?"

Emilia made a small hum of agreement, on what she wasn't sure, she was too tired.

Lily nodded, "it was lots of fun," and flashed James a big smile. Much to James' chagrin he was called over to the punch bowl by Sirius.

As Emilia fell asleep in Lily's lap, she thought she could hear her friend say, "I think I like him Emilia, and I don't know what to do."

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