Chapter 6

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The library was practically empty when Lily and Emilia dumped their books onto an empty table. Out of their uniforms and into wool jumpers that stood well against the cold breeze of the castle, Lily began a fire in one of the hearths at the back of the library. Quickly, the air turned warm and Emilia found herself sitting cross legged in a large leather armchair, Lily draped across one opposite her.

"Don't get me wrong, I like Slughorn, he's a nice guy. But the Slug club is a like a weird toxic competition," Lily began.

Emilia nodded in agreement.

"Its like, what's the purpose of hanging out with teachers after school if it's not for learning or credit?"

"I suppose," Emilia said, "it's like he said. He's collecting those who will be powerful in the future."

Lily laughed, "ok that's not exactly what he said."

Emilia smiled, "not those words. But look around that class, those are the people who in 20 years will be working high up in the ministry or some fancy inventors. I guess locked away at Hogwarts, he wants to feel important and connected to the outside world. So he befriends us when we're young."

Lily moved her gaze to the window, looking at the pellets of rain slamming themselves against the glass. "Do you think we'll be important."

Her question had a lot bearing on it and Emilia wasn't sure the answer, all she could said was, "I don't know why I'm in the class. It's James who will be the famous auror. I don't know what I'll do."

Lily hummed in agreement. "Sure, I have no doubt James will do well as an auror, and I'm not sure your path but I know wherever you go, you'll make an impact."

Emilia smiled, "thanks Lil."

The first meeting of the Slug Club, as the students so nicknamed it, happened on a Saturday evening in mid September.

After Slughorn had requested they all bring dates, Lily had asked Remus, and Emilia, Sirius. James had felt particularly left out until a Hufflepuff girl named Lucy asked him.

Emilia and Lily wore long halter dresses in a pale pink and deep blue, that Lily promised were the height of muggle fashion. James, Sirius, and Remus, all wore their dress robes from the year before, emerald, scarlet, and black, respectively.

Lucy met them all outside the Gryffindor portrait portal in shimmering blue robes. Lucy was a rather pretty and petite girl with pale blonde hair, who laughed at James jokes and smiled at everyone she met. Emilia couldn't help notice Lily's scowl every time Lucy bubbled out a giggle.

The group began to separate into formations as they made their way through the castle to the dungeons. James and Sirius led the charge talk animatedly about quidditch, Lucy and Remus spoke politely about the charms class they were in, and Lily and Emilia brought up the rear speaking quietly.

"... she is also way to young for him," Lily said, her brows furrowed, "I mean what is she like 12?"

"Uh, she's a year young than him."

Lily didn't seem to hear as she went on, "and I mean I'm happy for him but I don't know it just seems weird, I mean like our names are practically the same and..."

Emilia zoned out. She loved Lily but she need to sort out her feelings for James or someone would bust a blood vessel.

Coming down through the dungeons, this late at night, gave the corridors a sort of spooky atmosphere she had been lucky so far to have avoided. Shadows, conducted by the torches that lined the walls, danced around, seemingly taunting them.

Coming to the end of the corridor they were faced with a large door, a small metal gate at eye view was blocked from the other side.

Unsure what to do, Sirius took the lead and rapped his knuckles firmly against the door.

The grate was pulled back revealing a pair of brown eyes.

"Password?" A voice croaked.

Everyone turned to Lily.

Lily out her hands up in defence, "I was never told a password."

It was Lucy who saved the day. She pushed to the front of the group, "Paulie is that you?"

The voice croaked out a unbelievable "nope."

"Paulie, let us in right now. Or I'll tell mum you're causing trouble."

With that the grate closed shut and the door opened.

Paulie, a little boy probably in 1st or 2nd year stood there with his hand on the handle. "Don't tell mum, I didn't mean to be mean. Sorry, miss," he turned to Lily, "there is no password."

Lily nodded, a small smile on her face.

Lucy swatted his head slightly as they all pushed through the door, down a small corridor. They could hear old music playing through the door at the end of the corridor and when James opened the door they all gasped.

Once an abandoned classroom was now a beautiful party room. Swathes of green and black tuile decorated the ceilings. Balls of light floated above their heads, casting a comforting glow. A long oak table, room enough for thirty, was set up in the middle with high back chairs, a few filled by some students already. On the table sat plates and bowls of the most delicious food you could think of, jugs of butterbeer, pasta, salads, roasted beef. It was a feast.

Slughorn was milling around speaking to students and offering drinks. There were houseleves scurrying around with trays of hors d'œuvre. Emilia picked up a small piece of grilled vegetable topped with what looked like scales. It started to wriggle so she dropped it into the plant pot that stood behind her.

Slughorn made his way over to the group, dressed in golden robes, he looked like a giant snitch.

"Lily, Emilia, Lucy, and," he paused, looking at the three notoriously troublesome boys, "and company. How lovely for you all to come, please sit down."

By the time they got themselves situated, Emilia, Lily, and Sirius on one side of the table, the others on the opposite, many more students from their class had come flooding in. Most of them, Slytherins, including their dates.

Emilia was staring down into the sparkling pink liquid in her cup when she felt Sirius tense up next to her. She jolted her head up to see his face. Sirius had blanched and was staring at the door. James had noticed Sirius' behaviour as well so both of them turned to see who had come in.

In black dress robes and a pretty blonde on his arm, Regulus Black stood at the door, looking directly at Sirius.

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