Chapter 2: The Encounter

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I Lucas Kovak have never been the social butterfly or the player who floats around to girls. I kept to myself and rarely said a word. Although I've always wished to talk to girls. But they wouldn't listen, I'm the Nerd. I've been told I'm really sweet,but I'm not sure. People also say I'm quite attractive but I know they're just flattering me. I have no friends and I don't mind that. I like my quiet life the way it is.

I'm shy and I know it. Not that adorable "Aww!" shy,the kind of shy that no one notices you. I don't like being the center of attention,so  I'm obviously okay with not being noticed. Well not entirely....


I sit in Algebra silently waiting for school to start for normal people. I come early everyday just for silence. I think about different things, but today the thing that occupied my mind wasn't at thing at all. It was an amazing person who I've always noticed. Her name was Raven Sky. I've heard around school that her full name's Raven Nirvana Sky. It's such a pretty name. And it matches her perfectly,she's pretty herself. Her curly hair is so unique and wild yet tamed like a wild stallion. She's beautiful. As my thoughts were still wandering around the subject of Raven, there she was. At the door, right in front of me. Looking amazing. I finally snapped out if my daze and said "Sup, I'm Lucas." Darn! I was trying to sound cool. So much for a good first impression.

AN: The picture attached is Lucas and the next chapter isn't a chapter just  Raven's mink Snowy. I hope you like them! ;)

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