Thoughts of :*

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A/N: I know the chapter title and the regular title sucks........a lot. But it is what it is. And isn't the picture cute? >~< So. .....anyjelly (any-jelly is my new thing now) I'M SUUUPER SORRY THAT I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN A LONG TIME!!!.......Wait, what am saying? I have like no followers/readers......but I'm sorry to the few who read this. I had "writers block" and stuff was just going stuff..... Anyway, enjoy! I'm back. ;)
P.S Oh! I may be making another story based on a little writing prompt my awesome friend Rachel gave me. Luv ya Rach! ;)

What just happened? I think to myself . The. It dawns on me.......HE HAS A GIRLFREIND FOR GOODNESS SAKE! This has confused me to the highest extent of life.

"Okay. Okay, calm down and think." I tell myself as I plop down on my bed, appreciating the coldness of my blankets. I've always liked it that way for some reason. My mind wanders on the subject..........Okay! Back on track. I mentally yell at myself......
So he has a girlfriend....
"No dip.." I side comment quietly. So how should I respond to this .....should I act like it didn't happen and just be friends with him,or bring it up subtly and see what happens? Or- Ughh! I have mentally upset myself now. I always over think thing I hate about myself.

After about an hour of arguing with myself like the insane person I am, I finally decide to just act like it didn't happen. I smile now that I've made my decision. As I look at the time on my Pierce The Veil wall clock, I yawn and decide to just go to bed since its already 11:30.

I carelessly start to change into a maroon racer back tank top and some gray spandex shorts. CLC. Comfy,Lazy,Cute, my daily saying for all clothing choices........I mean I do care about my appearance and all ,but my laziness is bigger than the care I have for appearance.

I walk to my desk and start to imagine random things like what color should I  paint my room? Where should I go to college? When will I get married what will my wedding dress lo-'..........that last thought was interrupted by me hitting my foot on my bed post. I mumble a few not-nice words that would make a sailor proud. I didn't care at the moment. I go to walk out my room to get ice, and I just stub my toe again. This time on my bedpost then a bookwhile on the floor beside my bed.

"Damn it!" I yell. I freeze, afraid I woke my parents. Then I remember my parents work late tonight, so I'm alone. I sigh in relief half smiling........Then the pain comes back.

"Darn it...crapola..." I whisper as I limp downstairs to the kitchen.

After I put ice on my foot for a bit, I trecked upstairs, and got into bed with some cookies I grabbed from the kitchen. By "some cookies" I mean like 3. By "like 3" I mean 7 fricken chocolate chip cookies.

Chocolate chip cookies are my absolute favorite junk food. They're just so gooey....and soft, and delicious......just perfect. On thing I hate is when someone messes with my cookies,my babies if you wanna go that far. Messing with my babies results in near death situations for you. Messing with my lovely cookies is like death itself  ringing your doorbell,and just letting him take you. Like dude, I'm dead serious. Last time someone messed with my babies, their face almost got broken. If you haven't guessed it, the last person who did that was the adorable idiot himself, Sky. My guy best friend that, despite my warnings, messed with my cookies and almost got his face smashed in.

I know what your thinking Crap, she's violent.... well thank you. I try. But it's only when I'm really mad, like ' I'm gonna kill you' mad. Usually I'm sweet and warm like a banana muffin. But make me mad and life gets hard for you.

I finish my cookies in dismay as I see there's no more. I sigh and shut my eyes. I slow my breathing and try to sleep. Finally, I doze off. But not before grabbing and hugging my huge teddy bear Mocha Mocha. The light brown bear I've had since childhood. And I still need it to sleep. I know weird,pathetic, but whatevs. It's my life, suck it.

Wow.....I just kissed her. I think,still dazed by her lips touching mine. I slide down to the floor in front of my door. They were really soft and warm.....I liked it. I look through the curtains to see her driving away.I continue to think about the kiss we shared. But then a thought crashes down inside my head. It was a clear as black on white.

I have a girlfriend........

one voice reminds me in the back of my head. Another voice chimes in saying

But Raven's better...

The first voice replies in a sense

But you're so similar to Alexa. She's the perfect girlfriend....

I have names for these voices now. Voice 1: Devila and Voice 2: Angela. Angela replies

But Raven is unique and spontaneous,yet she's calm and collected. She can give you things to complete your life....

I liked Angela's answer better. It's true. Raven is so cool and unique.....

I yawn and walk to my closet to find some sweatpants for bed. I found the perfect pair, black and white plaid and comfortable. I take off my shirt and stand in front of the mirror,looking at myself. Sure in skinny and a Nerd. But I have got a decent six pack. I'm fit and "hot" in some girls eyes.

"Hmm..." I mutter as I stare at myself. I shrug and walk to my bed. I flop down into my bed and instantly fall into a peaceful sleep. Before I'm out all the way, I think of Raven. Then I sleep.

A/N: Hey! So I decided to throw in Lucas's point of view just to be fun. I hope you enjoyed it! Please vote,follow, whatever. Just be positive! ;)
P.S Please try to spread this around to people who may like this....just asking. Only if you want to of course. :)

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