Chapter 7

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1. I am really sorry about how late this is.

2. Thank you Jessie (musicobsessedowl) for putting up with me whining about this story for months and Kat (KitKatTaylor) for inspiring me to finish up this chapter with your sweet comments :)

3. Thank you all for the love you gave this story, it was honestly meant to be a one shot because Jessie kept bothering me to write something.

4. This chapter is so not my favorite but I hope you enjoy it :)

5. I like lists.

6. This really isn't edited that much but I may try to fix it at some point.

7. I just didn't want to stop on 6


It felt like I had just fallen asleep when my pillow started to move away from me. Unlike the previous morning I quickly remembered that my "pillow" was actually a person by the name of Tyler Oakley. The question this morning was why was he wiggling around so much that was so not okay. I stubbornly kept him close to me no matter how he tried to escape my grasp, not ready to wake up or give up cuddling. If I wasn't pretending to be sleeping I would have laughed at the little huffs of frustration he let out when I would recapture one of his limbs. Thinking he would catch onto my little game eventually, I stopped trying to hide the small smile I had on, only to find that he still didn't seem to notice that I was awake.

"Stop moving Ty." I finally said, making him aware that I was up. My voice seemed to have frozen Tyler's movements as he suddenly stopped trying to escape my grasp. Smiling triumphantly, I took the opportunity to nuzzle back closer to him. Before I could relax against him completely, he started to pull away from me again. Still, I stubbornly refused to let him go, wrapping my arms and legs around him tightly, trapping him against me.

When Tyler realized he couldn't simply move out of my embrace he tried to reason with me. I didn't even bother listening to his suggestions, cutting him off before he could even finish a sentence with the word no. I highly doubted that there was anything he could offer that would beat sleeping in and cuddles. The attempts he made were almost cute, almost if it weren't for the fact that I was trying to fall back asleep.

Unwinding my arm from around his back I covered his mouth with my hand. "No," I asserted for what I hoped would be the final time. "Sleep." I pulled my hand away from his face and rested it on his chest right under where my head was resting.

"So you would rather cuddle with me than have Nutella pancakes?" he giggled, earning a sharp glare from me. However my sleep ridden haze made the glare much less menacing and sillier, causing Tyler laugh more at me. I couldn't understand what he had against me sleeping, honestly.

"Why can't I have both?" I asked, a small pout on my lips while my hands drifted down to play with the edge of his shirt. Even I couldn't deny that the idea of pancakes with Nutella was almost an equal offer to sleeping and cuddling. The only reason I preferred the latter option is because it required less amount of effort.

After a few moments of silence I figured I had won and wrapped my arm back around his waist, tucking myself against him. My eyes fell shut as I started to drift off to sleep as Tyler played with my hair.

"Don't you have to go in to work on some writing today?" Tyler asked, clearly having given up on getting me to let go of him for the time being.

"Noon." I mumbled into his shirt, smiling against the fabric as I relaxed into his arms. I quickly fell back asleep in his arms as he continued to play with my hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2015 ⏰

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