Chapter 4

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Tyler's P.O.V.

Usually waking up with someone laying on top of you isn't the best way to wake up. There will be at least two parts of your body that are completely numb, hair will either be tickling your neck or in your mouth, and it would be way too hot because your body is trapped under the still sleeping form. However, none of that was accurate when I woke up. I could feel Troye still cuddled into my chest, clearly awake as he lazily played with the hem of my tee shirt. My arms were wrapped securely around him, holding his warm body against mine. There was no hair in my face or neck to tickle me and I didn't feel hot and trapped at all. In fact, if it weren't for the noise outside and the pounding in my head it would have been perfect. I stretched slightly under Troye's body, tugging him closer to me before speaking.

"Morning," I mumbled, my voice lower than usual and slightly raspy. A small smirk formed on my lips as I felt Troye shiver slightly against me, wondering if it was due to my voice or my hand rubbing his back.

"G'morning Tilly," Troye said just as quietly, moving slightly to nuzzle his face into my neck.

I opened my eyes slightly and groaned, shutting them just as quickly before rubbing them with one hand. Even though there was barely any light streaming in from the closed curtains it still bothered my sensitive eyes. "What time is it and what is with all the noise?!" I groaned before pulling the blanket over our heads, hoping the noise would somehow be cancelled out.

"No idea, and I'm guessing it's people cleaning up from last night," Troye mumbled into the side of my neck. His warm lips skimmed against my neck as he spoke, causing a shudder to run down my body. I could feel the smirk forming against my skin telling me that Troye had picked up on how he had effected me. Why did Korey have the cleaners come today anyway? Surely the mess could wait for tomorrow.

"On a scale of one to ten, how hungover are you?" Troye asked, his quiet voice surprisingly not bothering my head as he glanced up at me.

"A solid six, how are you not hungover?"

"Didn't drink as much as you, and I had some water as well," Troye replied before nuzzling back into my neck, a comfortable silence falling over us.

I let myself enjoy the heat radiating off of Troye's body. From the way we were cuddling no one would be able to tell that he was the taller one. His head fit perfectly between my neck and shoulder, his slim arms wrapping themselves around my torso, and his legs were wrapped around mine. I wondered why we had never done this before as I started to play with his hair. Of course we had cuddled before but there was something different about it this time. Maybe it was because he had fallen asleep in my arms last night, or the fact that we had stayed cuddled the whole night, or just how right he fit against me like this. Whatever it was, it felt almost intimate. The way I could feel Troye's shallow breaths on my neck, his lanky fingers playing with the edge of shirt, occasionally brushing against my skin, how I could feel his heart beating in-sync with mine. Intimate was the only word I could use to describe all of this and I wasn't complaining.

I wondered if Troye had lay-ins like this with any other of his friends, because I surely haven't. These morning cuddles were usually reserved for lovers or boyfriends, not friends or one night stands. It had been something I missed, admittedly. My last serious boyfriend was years ago and the occasional hookups were practically nonexistent at this point. Saying dating was hard wasn't half of it, it was hard, complicated and painful at times. Even though youtubers had become bigger, with their own movies, books, and record setting albums, most people still didn't understand it. "So you just talk to a camera and get paid?" was often a question asked to ridicule and belittle the job. Out of those few who did, there were two groups of people: those who wanted you for "fame" or the ones that couldn't handle all of the time spent apart due to youtubers needing to travel a lot.

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