Chapter 5

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Troye's P.O.V.

"See you later, Ty!" I called, following Korey out of the kitchen with a small wave. We walked silently out of the house and to his car. Korey immediately turned on the radio and rolled the windows down, a comfortable silence overtaking us, random pop music filling the car and streaming out the windows.

I could feel the warm LA breeze rushing past my skin while I looked out of the window, smiling at some of the familiar streets we were whizzing by. Even though I technically lived on the other side of the world, LA was starting to feel like my second home. Ever since the end of 2013 I have found myself in spending more and more time away from home in Perth, traveling around the world for my music and the occasional YouTube convention and most of the time away from home was spent in LA. I knew that moving here would be the best option for me eventually but I still wasn't quite ready yet; I had just turned 20 this past June after all. At the same time, I did want it to happen in the next year, cutting out jet-lag and constant days of traveling would be wonderful. Of course the only thing holding me back was that I would miss my family. Still, I knew that it would be the best thing to do for my career.

Years ago, I would have been terrified to move to the other side of the world without my family but now that I had my second family here it didn't seem all that terrible. I glanced over at Korey who was driving along, happily humming along to the Katy Perry song on the radio and smiled again. People like Korey, Tyler, Connor, Hannah, Grace, and all my other YouTube friend who lived here made it feel like home as well, they had become my second family. When I was back home in Perth I would often itch to be in England or LA or wherever my favorite people in the world were. I really was lucky to have such great friends, a huge smile now almost permanently plastered on my face.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Korey asked, glancing over at me with an amused expression.

"Just that it wouldn't be so bad to move out here, I would miss my fam but I'd have all of you guys you know?"

"Yes! Gosh it would be wonderful to have you out here for good good. Lord knows you and Tyler would let me get more sleep without your ridiculously long, late night and early morning Skype calls." Korey said sassily as ever.

"Anddd you would get to spend more time with your favorite Aussie." I joked back. "Plus you join in on plenty of those Skype calls!"

"Yeah well, we all miss you when you aren't here. Are you still thinking of moving after you're 21?"

"Around then, maybe a bit earlier depending on Visa stuff." I replied, remembering how much it sucked to not be able to drink legally in the US. Granted, between Korey, Mamrie, and Tyler there were very few moments that I wasn't able to get a drink when I wanted one.

"Yeah, and then we'll work on getting you your license." He says, pulling into the parking lot where Connors apartment was.

"Tyler said he'd help me learn the rules of the road."

"In that case I may move back to Michigan." Korey laughed and he parked the car in front of the door. "So we'll see you both at dinner?"

"Don't let Ty hear you say that!" I laughed along, unbuckling my seat-belt. "Yup! Thanks for the ride Kor." I said, hopping out of the car and quickly shutting the door.

"Anytime, tell Connor I said hey." He said before driving off.

I quickly walked toward the door and pressed the familiar buzzer to Connor's apartment.

"Who is itttt?" His voice called from the small speaker.

"Santa, now let me in!" I joked, bouncing eagerly. At the sound of the buzzer I pulled the front door open and made my way over to the elevator. While I had missed Tyler a lot, I had missed all my other friends as well. These two weeks in LA were meant not just to work with some amazing writers and producers for my next album but also to catch up with all of my favorites. With a huge smile on my face I made my way to Connor's apartment, impatiently ringing the doorbell a few times.

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