Amija-(runs to the desk)
DL-How can I help you (smiles)
Zay-Were here for Kyra Kayla Kendrick
DL-A Hall 3 floor room 13
Kid Lucas-Damn😩Why so fair
Everyone-*Right then runs to the elevator and gets to Kay's Room*
Amija-I really don't wanna go in there (tears up)
Zay-Me either (stares at his shoes)
Dario-(tears up)I'll knock and talk to the doctor ~knocks on the door and the doctor comes out~
Doctor-Family of Kyra
Doctor-I have some bad news
Amija-Is she going to be ok
Doctor-Well Miss Kendrick is not exactly treating Right we are getting at results that she might of lost Her memory we would have to do more test to see if True or Not we will give you a call when we do
Ernesto-May we see her
Doctor-One at a time her mother is in there right now I'll let you know you guys are hear (Kays mother came out of the room and hugs Amija,Brenna and Amaya)
Girls-Hi Mrs.Kris
Mrs.Kris-Hello Girls (Hugs zay) Hello Son
Zay-Hello Mom and Kyra And I have to talk to you when she gets better
Mrs.kris got to know everyone and everyone got to See kay" Tyresse was know as kay friend"