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Everybody comes down Stairs
Dario-Lets take a picture for The gram
Everybody yah we take the Picture
Everyone lays out there Towels and sits on them
Dario-Kay Curtis about to Come over here
Kay-King Curtis Jay😏
Curtis-Hey y'all
Curtis-Can I sit with you Kay
Zay-*Gets mad*
Curtis-I'm going to go get in The water who coming
Kay-Me!! *Gets on Curtis Back*
Zay stares at Kay and Curtis
From along distance Then he gets tapped on the shoulder by Lo
Lo-Hey Zay Pooh
Zay-Hey Lauren
Lo-Was it coo for me to bring my sister and her friends
Zay-Yeah no problem
Kay and Curtis come back
Kay looked at Zay then saw Lo and she had the most Straightens face ever😑
Kay-Really nigga
Kay-Anyways😒 We going to Go get some smoothies who Wanna come and Hey Lo😊
Lo-Hey Kay😊
Dario-Lets Run there with Our baes in our Arms *Picks up brenna*
Everyone-Yeah guys picks up there baes
Dario picks up brenna
Ernesto picks up Amija
Tyreese picks up Amaya
Curtis picks up Kay
Zay picks up lo
Everyone runs

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