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. Where On Us Boys Drooling Girls Rolling There Eyes.
Kay & Amija-*Laughs* Yall Made Or Nahhh *Laughs*
Amaya-I can't deal with Yall
Brenna-I know right These Ratchet little girls
Amija-little Kay-Ratchet, First of all I'm not Ratchet *laughing* *Y- gets cut off* Amaya-come on Yall she said *walking inside the building* Kay-*Screams extra Loud* ZAY Zay-*Yells* Bae *hugs Kay* Ernesto-Hey Bae *Kisses Amija*/Amija-Hey *kisses him back* Dario-Hey Brenna *says shakey* Brenna-why So shakey *Everybody Looks At Dario* Dario-Can tell you something im just so sorry For What im about to say *everyhbody stares with mouth wide-open* Brenna-What is it *says like she Already knows whats going to happen* Dairo- I love you *everys Laughs* Kay-Nigga you was about To Die Dairo-*Puts hands up in surrender* Amaya-UHH So we not talking today huh * Tyreese - Yeah we Are why you ask Amaya- Well you wasn't talking to me so i just guessed Tyreese-Sorry I got distracted By Dario Ernesto-Yeah what was up with that you knew that them girls Crazy As*gets cut off by Kay* Kay-Excuse you im not crazy Zay-Mmmhmm

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