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You’ll be happier spending your money on experiences rather than possessions.

Laughing lowers stress and strengthens the immune system

Spending more money on others makes you happier.

Spending your money on experiences is proven to give more happiness than possessions.

Smiling is 69% more attractive than wearing makeup (Orbit complete healthy smile campaign, 2009)


The best and worst thing in life - NOTHING LASTS FOREVER.


Laughter denotes social status. The higher up in the hierarchy you are in the group, the less you will laugh.

The first to apologize is always the bravest.The fist to forgive is the strongest.The first to forget is the happiest.

When a group of people laugh, people will instinctively look at the person they feel closest to in that group.

Positive emotions can make you more resilient and happier.

If you smile when no one is around, you really mean it.

Always be happy in front of people who don't like you. It kills them..

Kissing, chewing gum, eating chocolates and eating bananas have all been proven to help people relax and boost their mood.

Smile relieves stress Our body release endomorphism when we smile, even when we force it.

90% of people will fake laugh when they don't understand what someone said to them.

You appear more attractive to the other person when you make them laugh.

Whether it's through helping charity or just a small act of kindness, altruism makes us feel good. One study even found that happiness gleaned from volunteering can increase your longevity and hapiness.

Dancing has been proven to build confidence and release stress.

The key to happiness is spending your money on experiences rather than possessions, according to studies.

Minimum 20 minutes of exercise, three days each week will increase your happiness by 10 to 20 percent after six months.

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