Chapter 6

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't updated lately but there's something wrong with wattpad on my phone and I can't go in it. I updated it and it never stopped loading and I think I've tried everything I could but I couldn't get it to work. Also I didn't know what to write so I couldn't really update. But believe me I tried writing a bunch of times but ended up deleting it because it was bad but I like this one now so thanks for reading and ily! Oh! Also I changed the last chapter so that this one makes more sense because I didn't like it but it's not major changes and you don't have to go back and read the whole thing again. It is at the end after Lauren told Emily about Jordan so if you just want to read that first it would make more sense.

Emily's POV

Lauren took us to a club in which she knew the owner so we got in easily. I don't usually go to these places, nor have I ever had the urge to, but Alison enjoys them so as long as I get to be with her then I'm happy.

Once we got in, the music was playing really loud and they were playing "Heroes" by Alesso.

"I love this song!!" Alison squealed excitedly. She pulled Lauren and me to the dance floor and I couldn't help but laugh at her eagerness.

We all started dancing and jumping around.

"I'm gonna go get us drinks!" Lauren yelled over the music. We just nodded and continued dancing. Alison suddenly stumbled and fell. We giggled as I caught her, my right arm on her hip with my other on her arm helping her back to her feet. I didn't let go yet. We were staring at each other for a good 2 minutes. She has the most beautiful blue eyes I could get lost in and kissable pink lips. I don't know who was leaning in first but next thing I knew, her lips were on mine. My heart swelled and my stomach exploded with butterflies as we kissed. Her lips were soft and full and if felt as if they fit perfectly with mine. It felt like we were the only people in the room.

We pulled away just as Lauren was coming back with our drinks. I was still shocked that that just happened. I finally opened my eyes after a few beats and I saw Alison was doing the same thing. Still trying to process what just happened I just stood there, dumbfounded. Ali's face changed as though she was afraid. My eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned I had stepped too far.

"N-nothing. I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that it's just, I'm sorry." And with that she was gone.

"What the hell just happened?" Lauren questioned having seen everything except the kiss.

I didn't say anything, being just as clueless as her.

Alison's POV

Why? Why the fuck did I just do that?? After the kiss I panicked. I haven't felt that much in just a simple kiss since Jordan and I was afraid of the same thing happening again.

As I left, I wasn't really sure where I was going but I know I had to get out of there. The club was an hour away from campus and I have no idea where I am.

I called for a taxi after getting far enough away so Emily and Lauren don't find me.

About 5 minutes later the familiar yellow car pulled up in front of me. I got in and asked him to take me to Princeton University.

The whole way there I was trying to convince myself that I could do this with Emily. That I could trust her. But after what happened before, I don't think I could trust anyone like that.

Ever since Jordan, I put up a wall from everyone. Even Lauren. But she managed to get through to me and convince me that I had more to look forward to. She encouraged me to lower my defense and after almost nine months, I finally started to. I told her everything that happened and she has helped me so much through everything. So I was scared when I felt so much in that kiss with Emily. I don't know why but I had to be. But I heard Emily tell Lauren that she liked someone and I don't know who it is. I want just caught up in the moment and it was a mistake.

When I got back, it was 1:30 pm and I realized I haven't had anything to eat all day. So I made my way to the campus cafe.

Walking to the cafe, I started thinking about what I could have done differently. I shouldn't have kissed Emily. It was an accident. I think it was. I wouldn't have just done it if I was actually thinking. Would I?

I arrived and opened the glass door, not really paying attention. I was on my phone checking my messages when I ran into someone on the way in, spilling their coffee all other them.

"Shit. I am so sorry." I apologized, still not paying attention to who it was trying to help them up.

"It's fine. It was my fault. I wasn't really looking." A familiar voice said.

I finally looked up and my heart stopped.


I might not continue my other story because I just feel like it isn't really going anywhere. Idk I might.💕

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