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Apparently I was chosen to be babysitter for Carl on the search today

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Apparently I was chosen to be babysitter for Carl on the search today. It's fine though I love the kid.  Lori is still sticking with him but just in case I'm there too. Carl slowed down.

"Shane look! Dad said I could carry it and mom said as long as I was-" Carl started but Shane quickly shut him down

"Keep it down. We're looking for Sophia. You need to focus on the task" Shane said sternly ignoring the hurt look on Carl's face.

What's his problem now?!

Lori guided Carl back to my side. "Got to keep up"
"I am" he muttered

"You okay buddy?" I ask him ruffling his hair.

"Yeah... I think Shane's mad at me. Did I do something wrong?" He asked sadly looking down

Dang Shane I hate you but way to crush the kid...

"Absolutely not I promise..." time to make up some bullshit excuse for you Shane "he's just worried about Sophia that's all! And hey I think your knife is awesome!"

He beamed at me, grabbing my hand and treading off with the rest of the group.

Daryl soon motioned us to stop when a tent came into view. We all crouched down.

"She could be in there.." Shane pointed out

" there's a lot of things that could be in there.." Daryl said walking towards it.

Rick motioned us to stay put. Daryl led Rick and Shane to the tent.

"Carol." Rick spoke in loud whisper. He waved his hand to come next to him. The rest of the group following suit

"Call out softly... if she's in there, yours is the first voice she should hear." He told her

"Sophia , sweetie, are you in there?"

Daryl whistled getting my attention. He pointed to the zipper. I nodded and slowly walked up. I slowly opened the tent. The smell.

Oh my god...

I covered my mouth trying not to vomit, Rick doing the same. Once the tent was fully open, Daryl walked in.

How is he not dying with the smell?!

I start coughing and gagging. I walk away seeing Rick and Shane taking over. Heading towards the group I shake my head, knowing Sophia isn't in there.

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