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I laid in a field of jasmine the clean , pure smell drifting in and out of my nose with every intake of breath. I smiled contently as crystal white snow fell around my body.

I stayed perfectly still , staring into the graying sky in my glistening white gown even my locks of hair sparkling. I felt him lay next to me our shoulders brushing against each other tingling with the sensation of just being next to each other.

He lifted my hand bringing it to his lips and kissing it ever so slightly in his hand. I was quickly pulled to my feet coming face to face with Jeremy , my smile broadened as I took in his face. His strong jaw and pink lips contorting showing his laughing lines up into a smile that outshines my own.

He held me in his arms as we waltzed in a circle drifting up towards the sky. I laughed loudly as he twirled me over and over again the wind whooshing through my hair with every turn. Suddenly he pulled me into his chest , I laid my head on his shoulder watching the trees dance with us.

In that moment we touched I wanted to feel his love for me-for everything. Instead I felt his despair and anxiousness , we stepped away from each other the invisible force keeping us afloat. He reached for me only to drop it back by his side not saying a word. A single tear fell from my face , followed by many more.

His eyes widened as we both felt our time together getting shorter by the minute. Our first and last time together until God knows when , with only a mere second left he screamed "I'll find you!" Before our dragons whisked us away on their backs. I didn't dare to look back as my dress swayed in the wind , every distance farther apart was another tiny little heartbreak spreading throughout my body. I laid my head down on Euphoras neck crying the pain away until I had no more tears or a voice to do so anymore.

I jerked awake in my bed furiously wiping at my tear streaked face not understanding even the slightest bit of what was going on. I tore the hot sheets off my body going to my restroom looking into my mirror. My brown eyes were now small flames of fire only comprehending one part of what was happening , I ran to my bedroom window jumping out of it Taking off in a run (how I survived a two story jump I'll never ask).

I ran as far and as fast as my legs would carry me. Running over fallen trees and rocks I pushed myself to go deeper and farther into the woods behind my house , using my long legs to an advantage. Then without watching where I was going I tripped over a log onto my back letting what was inevitable and could no longer be ignored consume my body.

There was a small spark then a burst of flames shot out of every inch of my body. The flames... They were so beautiful , but I was so exhausted I couldn't take this very much longer.

Then I felt the gust of wind putting out the fire. The cool air caressing my body in the most soothing of ways. I turned my body on its side putting my forehead to hers hearing her say "I've missed you dearly joe" I rubbed her neck the smooth scales relaxing me , just before I couldn't hold my eyes open any longer I said back

I've missed you too Phora


Sunlight shone into my eyes waking me up from a restless sleep. I stared into the array of colors cascading themselves across white cumulus clouds. "Morning dear rider" I lifted my head to look at Phora as she flew up and above the land below. I sat up in the brown saddle strapped onto her back cracking my back and neck.

I responded back smiling "it's amazing up here" I took my hands off the reigns lifting them into the air running through a cloud ; pulling it back to my side my hands were wet with the clouds' substance.

I looked at Phora sideways "who's Jeremy , why do I feel this way about him , where is he , is he even real?" Phora laughed as the questions tumbled out of my mouth. She looked back at me her eyes smiling "that's for me to know and for you to find out in later years to come Josephine" . I sighed until I heard my phone ring I picked up hearing Luke's voice on the other end "joe where are you training started fifteen minutes ago" I looked around before saying "oh you know up and above things". Out of the corner of my eye I see Phora roll hers as if to say nice job I hear Luke laugh " well get your up and above butt over here alright love you see you when you get here" I felt giddy all of a sudden replying with "love you too" before hanging up.

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