Perfect date

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I sat there in BJ's with my hand under my chin rolling my eyes while Luke boasted about winning the race.

I know what you're thinking , you thought I was gonna win. Well you're wrong , but in my defense I fell of Phoras back and she had to save me thus letting Luke win. Though he blows it a bit out of proportion with his manly egotistical ways.

Luke saw me looking glum now as he reached across the table taking my hand in his , rubbing the skin with his thumb. "Hey come on cheer up , so what you lost you're still here with me on our first date , and I intend on it being perfect" I couldn't help but smile at his efforts "you're right I'm sorry I'll try to enjoy the night with you now I promise"

We laughed through the whole dinner bringing up embarrassing childhood memories. Luke stared at me with a broader than broad smile , taking my one hand in both of his "God you're beautiful Joe I don't know what I would do without you" he took my hand kissing my palm "I'm glad I get to call you my girlfriend Josephine Grays" . I hid my cheeks with my hair feeling them get hotter by the second.

A scent hit my nose an extremely distinct smell. My head flew up from staring at my lap "hey what's wrong?" Luke asked letting go of my hands. I shook my head my eyebrows creasing together "I'm not sure" he leaned in closer "well do you know why you're eyes are pitch black?" I wasn't paying attention enough to care about this observation. I began moving my head around searching for something , anything ... Someone. My eyes zeroed in on a booth seating a teenage boy and girl strangely they both stared back at me with black eyes as well.

Dragon riders

I cocked my head to the side still studying the two. They slowly pulled their gazes away from me to Luke immediately their stoic looks changed to that of a scowl. I whipped my head back to a fuming Luke "I should've sensed them the moment they walked in" in this moment I knew Phora would tell me to hurry and leave , so I did just that.

I grabbed Luke's hand yanking him up from his seat , leaving a hundred on the table. I weaved our way out the door into the open air not looking back at the restaurant. Luke jumped into the driver side of his Jeep opening the door for me as well we hurriedly drove away from Bj's swerving out into the street. I sank back into the seat pushing my bangs out of my face "they saw me and I saw them , dragon riders actual dragon riders" Luke sighed "don't tell me you've found your true calling" I turned my body to face his quirking one eyebrow "what do you mean?" He gestured towards nothing but air as he talked.

"Well now that you've seen the other half of you , you wanna explore that life too" I was furious. "Who in the hell said that as far as I'm concerned im still very much loyal to the slayers there is no exploring of the other half of me its finders keepers you found me first so I know where I stand" i trailed off now holding onto the handle of the door. He sighed turning his head slightly "joe that's not what I mean't I never said you weren't going to be loyal to us anymore I seriously hope you aren't that mad at me" I scoffed rolling down my window desperately needing air.

I looked into the passenger mirror seeing my eyes had returned to their usual dark brown selves. I laid my head on my arm resting against the open car window letting the air blow my hair around behind me.

He drove me to my house gawking , it was understandable my house was more that of a mansion with large rustic pillars screaming Victorian. I never knew where we got the money for any of the things we had every time I asked my parents they avoided it or shook it off with a shrug of their shoulders. Just as I was opening my door he put his hand on my shoulder "I really am sorry for upsetting you I didn't mean it in that way please tell me you forgive me" I avoided his eye contact taking his hand off my shoulder "not tonight Luke".

I walked into my room stripping off my clothing only leaving my bra and boy shorts on. Too tired and upset to do anything else I crawled underneath my sheets snuggling into a ball before falling asleep.

Ash fell from the sky almost like snow covering everything in its path. It was an unusually dark night , I was surrounded by fighting , fire , roaring mingled in with human cries. I was running with Phora overhead I don't know why I was running but I was searching looking for something. Face after familiar face buried beneath the ash I tripped over two bodies. I looked up and crawled to the bodies on my hands and knees.

I sniffled as I looked upon the lifeless bodies of Elijah and Leo. What was happening , why was this happening? Two arms pulled me up by my underarms turning me around it was Luke. I gasped pulling him tightly into my arms kissing his cheeks and forehead. He pulled away from me "we have to go now" I nodded letting him pull me along as we sprinted away from this slaughter.

We didn't notice the dragon swooping overhead nor its rider coming down hard stabbing a sword through Luke's chest. He fell to his knees coughing out blood letting go of my hand as he fell to his side taking his last breath. I killed the rider and his precious dragon with a flick of my wrist and fire. I held Luke's head on my lap rocking back and forth crying out in pain. This can't be happening please don't let this be happening.

Again I wake up from a totally fucked up dream gasping for air , I'm not sure if I can take this. These nightmares are getting out of hand my nights are becoming more and more restless maybe I should give up sleep all together. I laid back down flipping my pillow to the cool side imagining happy thoughts to help me drift back to sleep.

I rode into the school parking lot feeling void of any emotions. I got out off my bike riding myself of my leather pants showing my cheer skirt and unzipping my leather jacket. I walked into the halls to my locker taking out my sociology textbooks and walking to my first period class. I see Luke sitting in our usual spot leaning forward apprehensive as if he were waiting for me , I sit down next to him not looking at his face afraid I might see those empty eyes again.

He touched my elbow drawing my attention "hey you okay" I didn't reply "Joe I know what I said was dumb but please I love you more than words can describe please don't ignore me" tears brimmed my eyes if only he knew his stupid words aren't what was killing me inside.

"Joe Grays to the A.P.'s office please"

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding before getting up from my seat and leaving. I walked down the lonely halls only hearing my footsteps hit the ground , an uneasy feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. I knocked on Mr.Bergs door before entering seeing two people sitting in the seats in front of his desk their faces hidden from me. He looked at me "well Mrs.Grays I don't know why but it seems all our new students absolutely love you these two requested that you be the one to show them around campus , joe meet Derek Lowe and his sister Elizabeth Lowe" they turned their heads smirking.

He didn't have to tell me who they were , I knew before I stepped in the door. I sighed inwardly.

Every new person that walks through those front doors always has a secret agenda and its always for me.

Sorry for the short chapter 😁 this isn't my greatest because it's late my hand is numb and I'm tired so... Anyway I hope you guys like it all the same because I don't this is my worst chapter but hey I'm trying the picture at the top is of Leo played by Dylan O'Brien yes i know he isn't 6,7" but I tweaked it so get over it I still very much love you though 😍😘😘 and damn more dragon riders I don't where this could possibly lead I'll guess you'll have to wait to the next chapter 😉 and does joe really know where she stands in this everlasting war between riders and slayers *sigh* who knows and thank you guys so much for the 425 or 427 reads you guys keep me motivated to keep writing and continuing with this story and making it bigger and better but honestly guys it would be so awesome if you would vote and comment please you guys like really anyway THX and goodnight

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