Chapter 18

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Exhaustion, laziness, and sluggishness. Those were the emotions Ash had bottled in him as he let out a tired sigh when he sat down for lunch—the eventful day drained his energy like multiple grass Pokemon using mega drain simultaneously. And the day was only halfway done. But, like a small ray of sunshine in a dark and dangerous storm, the wafting aroma of his mum's cooking would give him a much-needed energy boost for the rest of the day. As long as Pikachu doesn't pull any stunts like he did with Serena or if Giovanni decides to ruin his day. Luckily, he didn't have to worry about them in the school canteen. It was only him and good old food.

"Hey Ash, can we sit with you?" A feminine voice says. 

Ash turned mid-bite to see Shauna and Clemont standing before him. Shauna had a beaming bright smile, and Clemont nervously adjusted his glasses. Wiping away some leftover crumbs on his face, Ash answered, "Sure, I'm not saving it for anyone else."

A warm, friendly smile appeared as they hurriedly sat beside Ash. When they were settled, the trio began conversing as they ate. Ash enjoyed their company and the conversations they were having. It had been a while since he talked to anyone at lunch. Well, anyone human, of course.

"I'm surprised you two play Pokemon. I thought most people thought the games were childish," he answered with a shocked tone.

Suddenly, a cocky laugh erupted from the inventor's lips as he pushed up his glasses, reflecting the light rays off his lenses. "The different strategies in the game are endless. The various moves, abilities, stats, and teams you can build are amazing!"

Shauna and Ash were silent, awkwardly peering at one another as the inventor continued his long ramble on the intricacies of Pokemon games. When he finished, Clemont realised what he had done and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, like a child getting caught stealing. Suddenly, Shauna cleared her throat, drawing the group's attention. Shauna answered innocently, "I just play it for the cute Pokemon." Everyone burst out laughing like it was some TV sitcom.

"Ashy boy!" A voice suddenly screamed from behind the raven's head after everyone had calmed down. Before Ash could turn to meet the voice, he felt an arm wrap around him as he felt another body next to him.

"Why didn't you think to introduce me to the new students, especially since there is a pretty girl?" Gary explained, quickly sending a wink to the girl from Kalos. Ash couldn't help but facepalm at the act. Gary was known to be a flirt even if he did have a girlfriend.

"Gary!" A feminine voice screamed, making the flirt freeze as his eyes widened. Speaking of which. Ash couldn't help but chuckle as he felt Dawn approach the shivering Gary. "You may have dug your grave, Gary," Ash joked quietly, making the brown head elbow him.

Stiffly turning to meet the gaze of his blue-haired girlfriend, Gary managed to stutter, "H-hey, Beautiful. H-how has your day been?"

Usually, the said girlfriend would be red because of a blush. But right now, she was as red as a Charmellon because of her growing anger toward Gary. Without words being said, a surge of pain erupted from Gary's ear. "That won't cut it this time, mister. We need to talk," Dawn hissed as she dragged Gary away around the corner. Much to his dismay and hisses of pain as he pleaded for mercy.

If the Kalos students were the emotions shocked and confused, they were perfectly illustrating them with the look on their faces. They both turned to Ash for some explanation, but the raven head shrugged his shoulders and continued eating his food, hiding his want to laugh and smile about the oncoming events.

A few moments later, a loud feminine yelp and slapping echoed around the room. Gary then warily appeared, rubbing his cheek with a massive red handprint on his face, with a smug-faced Dawn holding his other hand.

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