Chapter 4

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As soon as Ash leapt into the flickering the purple portal, it closed behind him. Disappearing from the face of the Earth. All that was left behind was the tread marks made by Ash's shoes. Soon after Calem appeared running into the area swiftly looking around for the persistent boy.

"What. Where did he go? I swear just heard him." Calem asked confusedly. Suddenly, the rest he hears the voices of Drew, Paul and Trip calling him back. As he turns to walk towards the voices he announces, "You got lucky Ash. We will get you... Wherever you are."

Ash let out a loud yell as he was tossed around the purple tunnel. It was like he was trapped inside of washing machine, making the raven head feel light-headed. Suddenly, while Ash continued to scream his head off, a bright light appeared in front of him. This bright light quickly disappeared as Ash landed hard and his stomach. Winding and blurring the raven head for a moment. "Urghh." Ash groaned. He then managed to get onto his knees while holding his gut. When his eyes finally adjusted, he realized he was in a completely different dimension.


"Woah... What is this place?" I murmur to myself. In front of me was a blue tainted world, filled with an abundance of rock pillars, blue crystal pillars and floating islands scattered around. With trees and what looks to be buildings stacked on top of each other. It's similar to my world just distorted, by a mirror. But whoever made these buildings, need to get their eyes checked because they built the buildings upside down... I also see purple gas clouds floating around the place. They don't like the friendlies parts of nature in this world. Cautiously, I slowly rise to meet feet and look around the pillar I have been transported to. My eyes are then attracted to a blue crystal. Like metal being attracted by a magnet. Within the blue crystal was... a Lucario! Ok, now I must be dreaming. First, a see a Pikachu and now I see the Aura Pokémon trapped in a crystal. What's next I see my father or I am apart of some prophecy I didn't know about! After I finished my tangent, I notice this stone monument beside the crystal. It had a blue hat. Wait, that hat looks like the news bulletin earlier this morning. "Sir Aaron's hat?" I murmur." I then proceed to walk up to the hat and cautiously grasp it between my fingers. Holding the illustrious blue hat between my sore fingers. It feels so... elegant, the illustrious cotton running along my poor skin.

I then carefully place down Sir Aaron's hat and step away from the podium. As I turn around I hear a massive roar echo around the world and soon after a powerful fire beam appeared in front of me, exploding the dirt ground in front of me. Making me fly into the moment where the hat was. My back screaming with agony. "Ok not a dream," I wheeze to myself. Suddenly, my body is encapsulated by layers of smoke making it harder to breathe. When the smoke finally slithers away I hear a monstrous voice bellow "Who are you. State your business!"

3rd Person

WHOOSH, rushing out of the portal was the yellow mouse Pokémon landing on its 4 paws like a cat. In front of him was the mighty Arceus with a group of pokemon behind him. "Pikachu, I assume that your mission was successful?" Arceus assumed in his deep raspy voice.

"Ermm. Yes? I mean... Yes of course. I managed to find some information on how humans may think of us. Butttt, There might be a... very... err small, tiny, microscopic problem." Pikachu replied hesitantly.

"Slight problem?" Arceus questions.

"Well... A human is going to be here any second. So we should probably hide." Pikachu spits out as fast as a Ninjask.

Arceus eyes flash with anger and then bellows, "WHAT! Why!?"

Pikachu then says, "I saw the boy's aura and I knew something was different about him. It felt like stories I hear about Sir Aaron's aura with Lucario or other Pokémon like you. While I was distracted with this he saw me so I ran into the portal with him following. We should leave the portal open to try to lure him in here."

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