ix. concubine

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The air was filled with the earthy scent of damp soil and the distant chirping of birds.

Chaehwa's footsteps were almost silent, and I followed closely, my senses heightened. Moss-covered rocks and twisted roots littered the ground, making our progress slow and deliberate.

Suddenly, I spotted movement up ahead. My heart rate quickened as I slowly raised my hand, signaling Chaehwa to stop. I carefully drew my crossbow, the wood creaking slightly as I took aim at the unsuspecting animal grazing in a small clearing.

The forest seemed to hold its breath as I focused, my finger hovering over the trigger, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

"Aim well."

My heart pounded in my chest as I prepared to release the bolt.

However, a sudden pause gripped me.

"Why did you stop?" Chaehwa's voice cut through the tense silence, her brow furrowed in confusion.

I held up a hand, my senses alert to the faint sounds of movement nearby. "Do you hear that?"

Chaehwa's expression shifted from confusion to alarm as she quickly grabbed my arm, her grip firm as she led me towards a thick tree.

The rustle of leaves grew louder as the sounds of approaching footsteps reached our ears, accompanied by the harsh voices of unknown intruders.

"Keep quiet and stay on guard," Chaehwa whispered urgently, her words barely audible as she pressed close to my ear. The tension in the air was palpable as we braced ourselves for whatever danger lurked in the shadows.

"Do you think we should head back?"

Chaehwa firmly shook her head with stern eyes, "Let's lay low for now. We could be in serious trouble if we're discovered."

The commotion finally drew close and the voices became even more clear, with bated breath, we peeked cautiously from our hiding spot.

Only for our jaws to open wide.

A group of rough-looking men held a middle-aged woman captive, their gruff voices and menacing demeanour leaving no doubt that they were indeed barbarians.

But curiosity overpowered fear as we continued to watch, our hearts pounding in anticipation of what would happen next.

The way she was clothed I can tell in just one look she is nowhere near a commoner, more like a noble. The urgency to help her were creeping inside of me as I watched her battle to break out from their grasp, but it did not avail.

"Let me go! You have nothing to get from me if you keep doing this!"

From her response, the men laughed out loud in amusement as one of them taunted; "Calm down old lassy, we can get that deranged son of yours now that you are in our very hands!"

"Oh? My 'deranged' son?" It was the middle-aged woman's turn to laugh as if it was the most amusing thing she ever heard. "If you captured me just to lure him just proved to me that all of you are skittish cowards! If you want him so bad why don't you get him instead?" She was interrupted when the strong man slapped her, making her yelp in pain.

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