Chapter 27

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Sage's POV:

It's been 2 and a half months and I'd been going to the Curtis house a bit more. I get to find out the gender if this little been in 2 weeks. I started forming a bump but It mostly just looks like I'm bloated. Dal went to Buck's for a party for the night so I decided to go to the Curtis since I didn't wanna be alone.

Their door's always unlocked anyway so I just walked in. All 3 boys were awake and yelling in the house. "Where the hell were you?!" Darry yelled at Pony.

I walk between him and Pony and butt in. "Darry, calm down, what happened?" I ask as I eye him. He pushed me against the wall as I winced in pain. "You ain't gonna tell me to calm down and give me advise on how to raise my kid brother when you can't even keep a kid alive!" He yelled as he pointed a finger at me.


He doesn't reek of alcohol. Is this just his true colors? "Don't bring her into this Darry!" Pony yelled and was immediately shoved the floor by Darry.

"Hold the fuck up Darry, calm your shit!" I yelled and hit his arm a bit. He slammed me into the wall as he gripped my waist hard enough to leave a bruise. I looked at Soda with fear evident on my face.

Darry raised his hand a bit and I flinched hard and Soda did that first thing that came to mind before we could find out what Darry's next action would have been.

"Don't hurt her, she's pregnant!" He yelled to get his attention. Pony was on the ground watching the scene go down. Darry paused for a minute as the house went silent.

"What the fuck? You've been whoring around with other men through those 2 weeks we didn't see each other?!!" He yelled in my face. "No! It's yours Darry!" I yelled as his grip on my shoulders started hurting me a bit.

"I used protection!" He yelled. When he released his grip I took it as an opportunity to go under his arms and crawl to Pony. "Well it probably broke genius!!" I yelled before helping Pony off the ground. Me, Pony and Soda ran out the door, not being able to take anymore.

We hopped in Soda's car and spead off. I was trembling in my seat from fear and anxiety. He reacted worse that I thought he would.

"Are you really pregnant?" Pony asked from the back seat. I just nodded my head not able to talk right now. Soda was so shook up he didn't notice another car that didn't stop at the red light and it hit us at full force. My first reaction was to curl in a ball covering my stomach and my legs at the same time.

The car did a few flips and we ended up with the car upside down in the woods. After a few seconds I opened my eyes. "Pony?" I asked. "I-is it done?" He asked in fear. "Yeah it is bud." I say as I see him opening his eyes.

"Soda?" I ask hoping for an answer. "S-Sage. Are you ok, the car hit your side. "Yeah, are you?" I ask. "Yeah." I heard as his reply.

"Will yalls doors open? Mine wont." I say. if not then we're fucked because my seatbelt's stuck too. "No and my seatbelt is stuck." I heard Soda say beside me. "Same. Pony?"

"The door won't open but the seatbelts fine." He took the seatbelt off. "Pony. Listen to me. Crawl through the broken window and go find the nearest phone booth. Call Bucks and get ahold of Dally. Then take Dally's orders. Don't call the cops unless Dallas says so." I explain. I saw him nod before crawling out of the car.

Soda reached over and lifted my shirt. There was a few pieces of glass stuck in my stomach, not too deep, along with a bunch of scratches. I related my head back on the seat before I saw a bow and arrow hit the door of the car and it had a not on it.

I punched the window and was able to grab the note. I opened it and read it and my fear increased with each word.

This was just a warning my dear babygirl
-your daddy(;

I started trembling again. I had to take deep breaths and shallow them before I saw a T-Bird park on the side of the road and Pony running down along with Dally and Buck. Buck ran over to Soda's side and Dally ran to mine.

They ripped the doors off before pulling their blades. I saw the front engine blow up and start fire. The fire was soreading through the car quick and I knew the whole car would blow up in a minute. I saw buck get Soda out and help him and Ponn to the T-Bird.

Dally was still struggling with my seatbelt and I watched the fire spread closer to me in anticipation. "Hurry Dal, if that fire touches the glass then we're both dead!" I yelled. I can't help it, I'm scared for my baby and brother's lives.

He finished just as the car blew up, making us roll sown a hill further into the woods. I heard the yells of the 3 boys in the T-Bird. "NOOOO!!!!" I heard as my body bumped on the ground. I wrapped my arms around my stomach, that being my biggest priority right now.

Soon I felt myself under cold water. I came up and gasped for air as I looked around for Dally. I pulled myself out of the water. I heard sirens in the distance where the car blew up.

I walked around the woods looking for Dally and I found him standing in the middle looking around until he spotted me. I was limping as I hit my leg on a tree and Dal ran to me.

We walked back up the hill that we rolled down, both limping and wincing. A big pain hit me in my stomach that hurt so bad I dropped to my knees. Dal got in his knees with me and tried to get me to get up.

"I-it hurts Dal. I- I can't go any farther." I started sobbing. It hurt so bad. I can't. "Sage. If not for you. If not for me. Do it for Darry's love. Do it for Soda's kind nature. Do it for Two's witty jokes. Do it for Pony's childhood memories. Do it for the gang to be able to see you again. Do it for your baby's life. The kid's depending on you right now."

I nodded and let out a sob as I slowly forced myself to stand. He took my hand and helped me. I deel mg drenched shit sticking to my skin. It started annoying me so I ripped it off and just went on in a bra.

Dally looked at my tiny bump and saw the blood dripping down it. He gulped before we continued limping towards the outskirts of the woods.

We finally made it to where the burnt few pieces left of the race car was at. There was police and ambulances and fire trucks. The whole gang was looking at the scene in horror until Jonny spotted us.

"Right there!" He yelled out and pointed catching the rest of the gang's attention as they turned towards us. I dropped to my knees again and Dal did the same.

I felt myself being lifted onto a bed and into an ambulance. I saw Dally in the other ambulance and Jonny went with his as Darry went with me. I looked up and gave Darry and gave him a small smile and they attached an oxygen/anesthesia mask to my face. The doctors went to talk to the rest of the gang.

I heard Darry repeatedly apologize for hurting and telling at me earlier. He put his hand in my small bump as blood from the cuts covered his hand.

I drifted into unconsciousness as I heard his small whispers of apologies and sweet nothings.


Oop I couldn't handle writing anymore, it's 5am and this chapter was too eventful. Byeee

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