Chapter 28

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Darry's POV: right after sage, soda, and pony left-

'Fuckk' I paced the living room pinching the bridge of my nose. How could I be so stupid?! I find out my girlfriend is pregnant and I fucking slut shame her? What the hell's wrong with me.

I took out my anger on them when I'm pissed at my boss because he's makin me work till the break of fucking dawn. I'm so fucking stupid!

After pacing for about 20 minutes the phone rang. "Hello?" I asked panicked, hoping it'd be Sage or Pony or Soda. "Man, get down to where all the sirens are at. You can see them from your house. You needa get here ASAP."

"Steve. What the hell happened." There was a pause before he finally responded. "Pony will explain when you get here but let's just say him, Soda, Sage, and Dal are hurt and we can't find Sage or Dally." then he hangs up and I zoom out of the house.

I pull up to the scene and Pony explains what happened. My heart drops at the mention of Sage blowing up in the car and them not being able to find them. 'M-my kid. M-my girlfriend' Was the only thing repeating in my mind. What if their dead?

The police was looking for them when suddenly Jonny yelled "Over there!" And pointed to the outskirts of the woods and sure enough there they were. Bloody and bruised. Sage didn't have a shit on showing her stomach that was dripping blood. He and Dallas fell to the ground and they rushed them into the ambulances.

Present time -hospital- Darry's POV:

The events of last night replayed in my head. When we got here they also took Soda and Pony to rooms to make sure they were ok. All day I'd been switching between the 4 peoples room.

I was currently in Pony's room talking to him when a nurse poked her head in. "Mr. Curtis. Ms. Winston's doctor needs to talk to you in her room." I nod before walking out of Pony's room into Sage's.

"Hello, Mr. Curtis." He greeted me wjtb a handshake before sitting back down at looking at the ultrasounds of the baby. "Hello, Dr. Stephan" I say before sitting in the chair beside Sage's bed.

"I just thought I'd inform you of some stuff going on with Ms. Winston's pregnancy." He started and took a deep breath. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Last time I talked to him she was doing well.

I nodded my head as a signal for him to continue. "From the x-rays we took last night it seems the impact of the explosion snapped her pelvic bone. Meaning she will not be able to give a natural birth due to the fact that Ms. Winston's body would go through too much stress, shut down, and probably kill her." He explains. He paused to let me take in the information before continuing.

"We're going to have to do a cesarean delivery. We'll also have to induce 2 months earlier due to the fact that Ms. Winston physically will not be able to hold a watermelon sized human in her uterus." He explained before giving me some papers.

Sage Cora Winston:

Induced cesarean delivery on February 15th 1969.

Ms. Winston is to be at the hospital February 14th 1968, 9pm to get prepared for her cesarean.

The procedure will take 4 hours long and if any complications may occur, Eastside Tulsa Hospital shall call into the room

"Will I already be in the room?" I asked. "Yes, the father is the only person allowed in the room other than the doctor and nurses unless the procedure goes wrong." He explained before handing me a pin

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