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"I'll be back with the Crush and chips" I yell back while grabbing the keys off the rack.

I skip down the front steps, it adds a sort-of hip to my day. When I reach my car I turn the heater on and let it run for a minute before getting in. Not only does the heat feel good on my back when I get in, but the temperature change from outside the car to inside the car is always the best part of a car ride.

When I get to the corner store I push open the door. The little tunes ring from the device attached to the top of the door letting the cashier know I'm here. He looks up from behind the counter for a second and then goes back to his crossword.

I grab a bag of Ruffles from the front of the store and head to the back. "You have Crush?" I ask scouting the refrigerators one by one. "Orange and purple, take your pick" he says back.

I come to the front and put the stuff on the counter.

"Late night snack run, huh?" he asks. I offer him a smile.


"Debit please". I tap my card and head for the door.

As I push open the door with my left hand, I grab an Air Head off the rack with my right; not that I couldn't afford it. I'm the richest 18 year-old I know. Its just for the rush.

"Hey!" he shouts, stopping me in my tracks. "Your receipt".

"Thanks". I walk back to grab it.

I pull the Mystery Flavour Air Head out of my jacket pocket when I'm back at my car and bite a piece off. Blueberry I think.

On the ride home, I set the radio to a channel with music. I don't even know what I'm listening to, it just sounds good.

Stopping the car in front of my house I turn off the car and sit in it for a couple of minutes. When I finally get out I walk to my front door and reach into my pocket for my keys. I grab the knob to put in my key but the door's already open. I could have sworn I locked it when I left. I put the keys on the rack and place the snacks on the little table by the door before taking off my shoes.

"They didn't have the pink Crush so I got orange"




As I'm picking up the chips and soda to take into the living area, I notice the vase isn't sitting in its usual spot on the table. I know this because I set it every morning, I'm a neat freak. As a matter of fact a lot of things are out of order. I turn to look at the knob. I could have sworn I locked it when I left.


I rush to the living area and there's blood on the floor.

"Evelyn!" I scream.

The room is empty so I move toward the adjoining kitchen.

"Oh my God, Evelyn!"

She's lying on the floor next to the dining table. Sitting down next to her, I pick up her head and slide my hand under.

"Evelyn talk to me. Say something!"

I put two fingers on her neck under her jaw. No pulse.

"Evelyn! Open your eyes."

I lay her head back down and run to the phone.

"Hello 911? I need help! It's my sister! She's hurt, I need help"

"Ma'am, are you safe?"

"It's my sister, she's hurt. Send help!"

"Where are you ma'am?"

"I need you to send an ambulance to 815 Drawry drive. Please!"

Setting the phone down I stumble back to my sister's side. My knees weak.

"Don't do this to me. Open your eyes."

I lick the tear running down my cheek, and start to feel my throat tighten.

"Where's that damn ambulance?" I scream, hoping the operator on the other end can hear me from here; and as if on cue, the sound of wailing sirens heading toward me start to pierce my ears.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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