The Day I Ran Away

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                           This is the story about the day I decited to run away.

  I sat there in my room bags packed ready to leave, I've been wanting to leave this hell for my whole live. My dad abuses me and I cant do anything to stop him neither can my mom cause he abused her too..or should I say he used to abuse my mom, she left me and my dad about 2 years ago I've been getting abuses on my own and she doesnt know the hell I've gone through without her here.

There was a nock on my door I quickly hid my bags so my father couodnt see them.

"Come in Father." that was the only thing he would let me call him.

"Hello sweetheart. Time for you to make me some dinner." I could smell the beer on his breath.

"Yes Father. What would you like to eat?"

 "Make me some burgers and if they are well cooked I just might let you eat half of one tonight."

"Thank you Father. I will try my best to make them good." I walked out of my room swiftly trying to not make eye contact.

 I walked into our kitchen where I had been beaten so many times, I went to the freezer and pulled out hamburger meat. It looked as if it had mold on the meat..great I don't get to eat tonight.

"Father?" I called to him upstairs.

"What is it Mia?" he asked with a angry tone to his voice.

"Um it looks as if the meat has gone bad, may I go get some fresh meat from the store?" it was my perfect time to grab my bags with the little meat money and run like hell.

"How do you think it has gone bad?"

"Well, Father there is mold on the meat I think it would be more to your liking if we got some better meat." my mind was racing my heart was pounding so loud I though forsure my father could hear it upstairs.

"Fine Mia..come get the money and go hurry back or you get double beating tonight just like I would do to your mother." the though of my mother almost made me cry, her warm hugs her welcoming smile. I miss her so much I hope to find her when I run away...

"Yes Father comming." it was so hard to keep my legs from running up stairs to get the money.

I nocked on his door.

"Here." he shoved the money out to me. I didnt grab it quick enough so he slapped me.

"Sorry Father." I grabbed the money and walked out of his room closing the door and quietly walking into my room to grab my bag a run away.

I hope you guys like my first chapter!! Become a fan!

                                               CHAPTER 2

    I ran out of my house way too fast I heard my Father scream at me for slamming the door I ran as fast as I could to get the hell out of that house and neighbor hood. All the trashy houses and dead grass in the front lawns brough back memories of when I was young..this neighbor hood has been toren to the ground it used to be so beautiful and big when I was little.

I miss my happer times my dad used to be the best dad in the world I never got abused...untell he got addicted to alcohol and drugs.

 As I was waking I started to get the feeling I was being watched, I turned around to see if anyone. There was movement in the woods, I put on my hood and started to walk alittle faster. Leaves crunched behind me. I turned around in one quick motion.

"Hello?" I asked turning around I saw a teenager about my age staring at me. I knew I havent seen him before. "Umm you mind telling me why you are following me?"

"I was following you cause..." he stopped talking.

" 'umm' is not a awncer I want a real awncer." 

"Well I know what has been going on with you and your dad...thats why I ran away from home too..I've been on the run for about 1 year I think it has been I am almost old enough to get a home."

"So you have been stalking me?"

"Kind of...but we where best friends when we where little rember Mia? It's me Andrew." as soon as he said his name that's when it hit me..he knew my mother he might know where she is now.

"Andrew!" I ran into his arm and started crying.

"Hey Mia good to see you too.." I burred my head into his chest. It felt like he hadnt eaten in along time I knew we had to get some food.

"Now Andrew It's great too see you." I cried.

"Aww. No need to cry Mia.." he kissed the top of my head. "You know when we where little I always had a crush on you.." he blushed.

"Oh really? And a has that crush gone away?"

"It did tell I heard your voice again."


Hope you guys injoyed this chapter it took me a while to write :)

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