chapter 2- boys night (part 2)

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Now that skye was off to Everest's house, only the boys were there Rocky, zuma, marshall, chase, and rubble.
"Now it's just us dudes here!" Rubble exclaimed. "C'mon pups let's go in, it's getting late" rider said "yes rider!" All the pups exclaimed. And they all went in the pup tower together, "hey dudes guess what, chase still hasn't confessed to skye yet!" Zuma joked. "Y-your really gonna bring that up again..." Chase stuttered embarrassed "wow really, you should really confess to her how about when she comes back?" Rocky questioned. "B-but what if she says no?" Chase worried. "How about you take her on a pinic, you can bring her a teddy bear and a box of pup treats (since dogs cant eat chocolate lol) there's no way she can say no to pup treats!" Rubble suggested.  "Thats a great idea rubble no one can say no to pup treats!" Zuma exclaimed. "Hmmm idk... Maybe.." Chase sat down, so did the rest of the pups.

"You should totally do it chase its perfect!" Rocky said, "we'll even help you with what to say to her, so you dont become a stuttering mess" Zuma joked.  
"Hmmmm.... Ok fine I'll do it ill be brave!" Chase exclaimed confidently. "Yayyyyyy!!!" All the pups yelled at once "Ok so how about whenever she gets there you greet her with a nice kiss on the paw and a compliment" rubble suggested "ooh ooh! And then while y'all eat try to make small talk with her and make sure to compliment her alot" rocky then suggested "and then when your done you say your confession and then give her the treats, there's no way she can say no!" Zuma suggested then. "But what will i say For the confession" chase questioned. "Hmmmm idk dude just speak from the heart" zuma said "o-ok i'll try.." Chase cowered. "Ill do it when she comes back tomorrow we can go to the store and buy the stuff" chase said "YAYYYY!!" the pups yelled again. "You can do it chase!" Rubble encouraged him. "Hey where is Marshall I havent heard him speak at all?" They all looked at marshall, and he was fast asleep. "Wow hes already sleeping?" Rubble questioned. "He did say he was tired earlier" chase said "oh, I guess we should get to bed too then huh" zuma suggested "remember chase when skye comes back thats gonna be ur lucky day" zuma reminded "lets go to bed now, goodnight pups" "goodnight!" The other pups said and they were all fast asleep.

             >With skye and everest<
      (Rewind to when it was still day)
"Omg skye your here were gonna have so much fun were gonna watch movies, stay up all night, and watch movies!!!" Everest exclaimed while licking skye all over "hi everest im so excited to be here i can't wait to do all the fun stuff!" Skye said happily. "C'mon let's go inside" they both walked in the home "hey jake skye is here!!" Everest yelled "hey skye im glad you could make it!" He exclaimed "I'm glad I could make it too jake!" Skye said back to him "I layed down some pillows and blankets on the couch, thats where y'all will be sleeping im also gonna make some snacks for y'all to eat for the movie" Jake informed the girls "Ok Jake, me and skye are gonna go play in the snow for a while, bye!" Everest exclaimed "Ok dont be outside for too long!" Jake answered.
"Cmon skye lets go!" And out they went "wow it's so pretty out here" skye admired she was admiring the fluffy white snow and beautiful trees until.... WHAM! she was hit in the back of the head bye a huge snow ball! "HEY, WHO DID THAT" skye yelled, "hehe!" she heard Everest giggle "im gonna get you for that!" Skye yelled while rolling up a snow ball. "HYAH!" she threw it at everest, hitting her in the head, and as a result, skye got hit with a bigger, and more powerful snow ball hitting her right in the forehead, giving her a brain freeze for a slight second, skye rolled in a ball pretending to cry.

Everest pov: me and skye were playing snowball fight until suddenly I heard... Crying? (Italics means thinking btw)
"S-skye are you ok, i didn't mean to hit you that heard I'm really sorry" she apologized while walking up to skye she poked skyes back amd then until suddenly... BOOM!  Skye hit everest with a really huge snow ball right in the face! (Head shot 😏) "HEY, YOU FAKED IT, OH I'M GONNA GET YOU FIR THAT" "hahahaha!!" Skye rolled around while laughing, soon enough everest started laughing too, and then, they were both rolling on the ground laughing getting snow all over them. "Hey, lets make snow pup angels!" Everest suggested "hehe, ok!" Then they rolled on the ground making snow pup angels, then they stood up to look at they're creations "hahahaha!!!, yours looks like an alien!" Skye laughed "Oh really look at yours it looks like a pup and a chicken mixed into some weird hybrid!" "Hahahahahahahah!!" They both laughed in together. "Hey I have an idea How about we build a snowman next!" "Good idea skye", "first the body!" Everest started rolling a big snow ball for the body once she was done she rolled it to where they wanted it to be "Ok there, next one!" Skye started rolling the next ball half as big as the first, putting it on the bigger one "everest, go get stuff for its face, and I'll roll the head!" Everest nodded and went to go get the stuff she got 3 rocks for the eyes, (she wanted it to be an alien snowman lol) red string for the mouth, and 4 sticks for the arms (also a tophat from inside) and then walked back "I got the stuff skye!" "3 eyes 4 arms what the heck everest?" "I wanted it to be an alien snowman.. Heh heh.." "Ok fine it can be an alien.." "Yayyy thanks skye!" They put the stuff on the face the top hat on its head and boom, it was finished "yayyy were finished!!" They exclaimed "pups cmon its getting dark come back inside!" "Ok jake!" They yelled they all walked inside "Ok pups i got all the snacks ready its popcorn, pup treats, and candy" (not chocolate tho) "ok jake, what movie are we watching?" Skye questioned "we're watching luca" (luca is such a great movie) "oooh yayy!!" They sat down on the couch and covered up with there blankets. Jake started the movie and went to his room "night pups" "goodnight jake!" They turned the lights off watching the movie and eating there snacks. During the middle of the movie Everest feels weight on her shoulder she turns and see skye asleep on her shoulder "awww.." Everest whispered "she's so cute.." Soon everest fell asleep to, cuddling skye, and they were both asleep.

Thats the end of chapter 2 I hope y'all enjoyed, this one was way longer than the 1st one bye bye yall! I make updates every day/ night chapter 3 will be here soon bye!!!

Words: 1211

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